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Showing posts with the label soulmates

Here's where happiness REALLY comes from

Soulmates. Finding the one. Our other half. The media, Hollywood, and even certain people we know peddle this notion that unless we're partnered up, we're not truly happy with our lives -- even if we don't realize it yet. They insist that unless we're in a relationship, we're just not whole. That's just total malarkey. They'd be surprised to learn that there are many people in the world who prefer being by themselves. Whether they've been burned in the past by an ex or merely relish living on their own, these individuals are single by choice -- not necessarily because they can't find any worthwhile suitors. Furthermore, regardless of whether they're single, in a relationship, or married, many people believe that a partner has a responsibility to "complete" them. This is totally false as well. A partner should be seen as a welcome enhancement, but not as a missing piece to complete your life puzzle. The fact that someon...

THIS is the real meaning of a relationship

Many people seem rather confused as to the definition of a relationship. No, it isn't when two soulmates come together. It isn't about having another person "complete" your life. Such definitions are far too simplistic, ignoring the hard truth that -- as with everything else -- relationships take work and have their downsides. A true relationship is one between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on one another.  I would go so far as to say that you can't call it a relationship until both people have been through ups and downs together. In reality, you don't know a person as well as you think you might until you've seen them in a trying situation. At the first sign of trouble, some people bail cravenly -- without warning. And relationships aren't all about hugs, kisses, and butterflies. That may be so in the very beginning, during the so-called honeymoon stage, but eventually the relationship matures and both people have to face the mu...

This person is most responsible for your happiness

Want to know who's most responsible for your happiness? That's easy. Look in the mirror . It isn't your partner, children, siblings, or friends. Happiness emanates from inside, which means only you complete yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent -- one of my favorite quotes, I might add. Oprah Winfrey quipped that you cannot wait for someone to save you, to help you, to complete you. No one can complete you but yourself. And, as Mandy Hale puts it, happiness is an inside job, and you should never assign anyone else that much power over your life. Instead, you should wield that power to make a better life for yourself. Do whatever makes you happy -- whether it's exploring new continents or simply laying by the pool at home. Happiness starts with you -- not with your job, relationships, or money. If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be people in the world who have found a way to enjoy ...