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Showing posts with the label kissing

When you feel like telling people to GET A ROOM...

I don't know about you, but I get annoyed when couples engage in too much PDA (public displays of affection). Whether it's excessive hugging or profuse kissing, it makes me want to shout, "Hey, get a room already!" I've seen this so many times at malls and movie theaters, with said couples often in their teens. It's as if they become oblivious to their environment, not letting anything get in the way of their groping or tongue-wrestling. What's worse, sometimes they reach for each other's butts and other private areas. I blame this, in part, on the parents. There's no reason these kids should be out that late in the first place. I recently learned that a mall near me is implementing a "curfew" policy where those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult after 9 p.m. I think every mall across the county should follow suit. Excessive PDA is disrespectful and inappropriate. It sends the wrong message to other people who may...

Ladies: What if your man grabbed your butt in public?

What would you do if your boyfriend or husband had the audacity to reach for a handful of your bottom -- in plain view? To me, an important part of a relationship is keeping things classy while out in public. That means butt-grabbing, groping, and excessive kissing should be done behind closed doors. I'd never grab my wife's tush in a public place unless my hand were concealed in some way -- say, while we're sitting in the back row at the movie theater, with the lights dimmed and everyone's attention fixed on the screen. I find it rude and disrespectful when men and women grab their partners' behinds for all to see, but that's just me. If you're not sure what side of the fence you're on, just answer this: would you want your sister's boyfriend doing this to her in public? How about a boy doing it to your young daughter? If you can't resist the urge, at least try doing it a more secluded setting -- a car, a beach at night, a back alley. Ha...

Do women care how well endowed men are?

Based on what I've heard -- and a few studies support this -- women generally don't care about how well endowed their partners are. To give you an apt metaphor, instead of what's under the hood, women are more interested in how well the car runs. So if size really doesn't matter, why do so many men assume that women desire a man with a big package? Men, being the visual creatures that we are, typically have no qualms about voicing their preference for women with bigger "assets" -- whether they be bigger breasts or butts. Is it any wonder that so many women invest in plastic surgery? However, I seldom see or hear women admitting to wanting a man with a bigger penis. Many men, though, simply assume that the larger their member, the better their prospects in the bedroom. It's a safe bet that if a man has a small penis but can use it in nifty ways to get his partner to achieve one or more orgasms, she will easily look past the size issue. It all go...