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Showing posts with the label prepare for the worst

Reasons why it's always better to prepare for the worst

I'm not sure if you've seen "School of Rock" starring Jack Black, but there's a scene in the movie where Joan Cusack, who plays a tough-as-nails prep school principal reviled for her disciplinarian ways, tells her fellow colleagues that it's always best to "over prepare." "The best defense is a good offense," she goes on to say. As someone with OCD-like tendencies, I've always lived by this motto. Just yesterday, as I was pulling into the parking lot of my barber shop, I noticed there was no available parking, which left me no choice but to find a metered space in the adjacent street. I debated how much change to put in the meter and wound up putting enough to last me an hour and 40 minutes. Initially, I thought I had gone overboard. "Why did I put so much?" I asked myself. It usually takes my barber about 20-30 minutes to cut my hair, but the only difference was this particular appointment was scheduled for the early afte...