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Showing posts with the label intelligent

Women love when men do THIS

Women, especially very attractive ones who have countless guys chasing after them, can't help but feel totally attracted to men who challenge  them. Now, a distinction should be made between challenging women and playing games with them. If not returning texts and trying to make the woman jealous is his idea of challenging her, he's in for a rude awakening. As surprising as it may seem to some men, women don't want to feel or be told they're right all the time. They want a man to stand up for what he believes in, even if it ruffles her feathers and runs contrary to her longstanding beliefs or opinions. Why? Because it betrays a sense of confidence , which women find irresistible. It conveys that whether or not she agrees with him, he's going to speak his mind -- in a firm if diplomatic manner. Many men avoid doing this for fear that she'll get upset and lose interest. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. The last thing a woman wants...

This is NOT how you win over a woman

Here's a quick dating tip for the fellas: If you assume that you'll win over a woman by merely being nice and sweet to her, you're wrong. If you think that showering her with gifts and affection is all it'll take, your thinking is misguided. Rather, wooing a woman involves a combination of these things, plus many more. Earning her respect is critical, and you do so by having or striving for a good job; treating your family, friends, and peers well; being hard-working and intelligent; and exuding honesty and integrity. Being sweet and romantic should be part of the overall package, but it is hardly enough. All the flowers, chocolates, and cutesy notes in the world can never compensate for highly undesirable qualities like irrepressible anger, a slovenly appearance, and chronic dishonesty. Above all, if a woman doesn't feel she can trust a man, there's simply no hope for a relationship.

What others think of you is none of your business

I came across the following quote earlier this week while browsing the web: "What people think of you is none of your business." When I started to analyze the quote more carefully, I realized that there's a lot of truth to it. Sure, we all want to know what others think of us so that we can manage our reputation accordingly, including dispelling any misconceptions they may have about us. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you should change anything about yourself based on information you dig up. Regardless of what they think of you, if you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters . If you're not entirely happy with yourself and think they have a point -- whether it's that you should talk more during meetings or not talk over people in conversation  -- there's no harm in working to improve yourself in those areas. I want people to regard me as an intelligent man, so if I were to discover that they think otherwise, would I take o...

Women with Big Butts: Smarter and Healthier?

Scientists from the University of Oxford have found that women with larger than average butts are not only increasingly intelligent but also highly resistant to chronic illnesses. The results suggest that women with bigger backsides tend to have lower levels of cholesterol and are more likely to produce hormones to metabolize sugar. Therefore, women with big butts are less likely to have diabetes or heart issues. What's more, having a big butt requires an excess of Omega 3 fats, which have been proven to catalyze brain development. The researchers also found that the children born to women with wider hips are intellectually superior to the children of slimmer, less curvy mothers. Having a big butt also favors leptin levels in the female body, which is a hormone responsible for regulating weight, and the dinopectina, a hormone with anti-inflammatory, vascular-protective and anti-diabetic properties. The adipose tissue of the buttocks traps harmful fatty particles and pre...

Looks do matter in life...Here's proof

As noble as it is to say that "only the inside counts" -- something parents try to inculcate in their kids from an early age -- research in the field of psychology has disproven this notion time and time again. People regarded as physically attractive have a number of advantages over others, such as: Being treated better at work Being deemed more intelligent and successful in life Receiving more favorable treatment by juries in court Being judged as more sincere Being regarded as more adept at activities/hobbies like sports and music When you think about it, it almost seems unjust that a person could get so many "free passes" in life by virtue of their good looks.  To be fair, though, while good genes probably play a role, it's likely that these individuals put some effort into looking this good -- from working out to spending more hours than the average person getting dressed in the morning. Still, attractiveness exerts a powerful influence o...

What do you consider "HOT" in the opposite sex?

When a person says "He/she is hot," others might assume this individual is digging someone's six pack or long legs. But hotness doesn't always have to translate to good looks alone. One person's definition of "hot" may be completely different than someone else's. When I say a woman is hot, yes, I might be referring to her dazzling appearance. But I may also be describing her as such because she is self-confident or intelligent -- two qualities that, in my view, greatly enhance a woman's overall appeal. To me, a woman who has long, shiny hair is hot, as is the kind who wears glasses and embraces the librarian look. My point is that society and the media make hotness to be all about big boobs and biceps. This couldn't be further from the truth. After all, we mustn't forget that looks fade -- eventually, we all get those pesky wrinkles and a little flab in quite a few places. That said, when contemplating what makes a person "...