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Showing posts with the label relaxation

It's okay to disconnect from people

Sometimes we need to extricate ourselves -- even if temporarily -- from others' drama and negativity. We need to wriggle free of adversity we may be confronting at work, home, or elsewhere. Our well-being depends on it! So how exactly can we do this? It depends on whatever it is you like -- whatever it is that drives you. Perhaps nothing spells relaxation like losing yourself in a good book during your lunch break before heading back to your desk. Maybe you recharge by taking a leisurely stroll in the park after work. You may notice that you haven't taken a vacation in almost a year and yearn to get away from it all -- whether that means sunbathing in the Caribbean, skiing in the Alps, or exploring historic attractions in Washington, D.C. Or maybe a spa weekend that includes a rejuvenating massage or stress-melting sauna session is just what the doctor ordered. No one says that relaxing has to carry a big price tag. For some people, putting the phone down and ...

Control your life, don't let it control you

One of the surest ways to feeling stressed out is the sense that the walls are caving in on you. Rather than being in control of your life, your life is controlling you. You feel like a prisoner with no way out in sight. Those who report feeling this way tend to have too much on their plate. A job that requires ridiculous hours. A spouse and kids. Community service activities. A rigorous exercise routine. And so forth. While packing as much as we can into our schedule certainly prevents life from getting boring, we need to leave ourselves a bit of breathing room. Studies show that stress leads to negative health outcomes like headaches and heart disease. What's more, it may lead to coping mechanisms that can also be disadvantageous to one's health, like overeating, smoking, drinking, or taking illegal drugs. Once you feel as though there's not enough time in the day to do a single thing you enjoy doing for leisure -- read a book, watch a show, listen to music -- it ...

Do you think of Fridays like this?

Few things are as satisfying as waking up and realizing it's Friday. It means the long slog is finally coming to an end (for this week, at least). At last, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. But for most of us, this feeling is long gone by late Saturday/early Sunday. That's when it hits us: we'll have to go back to work in only a matter of hours. However, I try to make the most of the Friday euphoria while I still can. As I've stressed in prior posts, sometimes we derive more enjoyment out of anticipating something than actually experiencing it. Fridays are no exception. I even begin to get giddy Thursday night. After working hard all week, it feels good to know that two days of rest, relaxation and leisure are upon us. I only wish weekends could be longer; three days would be ideal! What do you think?

DON'T do this or you'll be tired all week

It's Tuesday morning and I feel tired. Tired and lazy, to be more precise. But why is it that I feel this way if it's only Tuesday? I should feel more energetic given that the week has only just begun. Oh, now I remember... This past weekend, I did so many things that I couldn't possibly remember all of them -- from visiting my mom to going shopping to hanging out with friends to attending my sister's birthday dinner. (I know I missed a couple...) We have a tendency to cram so many things into our weekend itineraries -- after all, it's usually the only time people who work full-time have to run their errands -- that we fail to leave some time for much-needed rest and relaxation. That leaves us feeling awfully tired as we enter the new work week. When I'm tired, I get lethargic, and that translates into an unproductive worker. Usually, I make it a priority of mine to spend at least a few hours on Saturday and Sunday taking a breather. And you should t...

CAN'T MISS: Surprising Benefits of Sex

With all the rewards that sex has to offer, it's no surprise most of us are inclined to get as much of it as we can. It feels really good, it's free (assuming it's between you and your partner, of course), and, most important, it can be the key to a healthier, longer life. According to WebMD, the myriad benefits of sex include: 1. Boosting your libido 2. Lowering blood pressure 3. Helping keep your immune system working properly 4. Improving women's bladder control 5. Lowering heart attack risk 6. Lessening pain 7. Serving as good exercise 8. Improving sleep 9. Reducing men's chances of getting prostate cancer 10. Easing stress The health benefits associated with sex are well documented. Not only do sex and intimacy boost your happiness and self-esteem, they reduce anxiety and induce feelings of relaxation. Being that sexual intercourse can result in the conception of a child, it is arguably the most intimate thing you can do with another person. I...