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Showing posts with the label smile

Is hiding emotions always a bad idea?

When we're in a happy mood -- whether because we nabbed a promotion or landed a date with someone we've had our eye on -- we don't hesitate to express our emotions. We might smile, laugh, cheer, post a buoyant message on social media, or treat your friends to celebratory drinks. But things play out quite differently when we're going through a rough patch in our lives. We might instead hide our emotions -- sadness, anger, jealousy -- because we don't want to worry others or compel them to probe. As a result, we might turn down invitations to attend parties, call it a night unusually early, and shelve the kinds of things we look forward to when we're in better spirits, like hobbies.  There's nothing wrong with playing your cards close to your chest. In particular, I discourage anyone from bringing your feelings to light on social media unless you've altered your settings so that only those closest to you -- the ones you genuinely trust -- see those posts. ...

Do whatever sets your soul on fire

Whether your idea of excitement is jumping off an airplane, cooking up exotic dishes, playing music in a band, or merely staying at home reading a gripping book, you should do whatever lights up your soul. Life is too short to set our passions aside for a rainy day. Do them today. Do them now! Focusing on those things we love to do not only makes us happier, it keeps us from dwelling on the negative. Believe it or not, directing one's attention to something positive (e.g., a funny meme or an inspiring video) over the course of the day can make the difference between a decent day and an abysmal one. Distractions can be our friends. Those who insist they don't have the time to cultivate their passions are just making excuses for themselves. We can all squeeze in a little time for hobbies, even if only a few minutes each week. We all have our problems and worries, and, as much as we'd like to, we can't just sweep them under the rug. Still, we can't allow th...

Happiness is found in the simplest of things

People needn't search far and wide to find happiness, for it is found in the simplest of things. Unfortunately, many people equate happiness with money and material possessions. While such "stuff" can give us a boost, it is only temporary. When it's time for us to pass on, will we be thinking about all the money we've spent or have saved in our bank account? No. Our thoughts will center on the legacy we'll be leaving behind, on the wonderful moments spent with loved ones, on the little things that made this life well worth living. Happiness can be found: in love in friendship in a smile in a laugh in having good health in reading in knowledge and learning in music in gratitude  in a good meal or cup of coffee in a kept promise in an achieved goal in a fond memory in nature in silence in the comfort of one's room If people actually stopped to appreciate all the wonderful things that greatly enrich their lives, they would be fa...

Here's how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones

When negative thoughts attempt to take over your mind, don't let them! How do you prevent this from happening? By turning those negative thoughts into positive ones. You can cancel out a negative thought with a positive one in a number of ways: 1. By thinking about or looking at something that relaxes you or otherwise brings a smile to your face (e.g., pictures of kittens). 2. By listening to music or doing anything else that puts you in a good mood. 3. By thinking about or looking at something that makes you laugh (e.g. blooper videos). 4. By thinking about all the wonderful things you aim to accomplish in the future. Focus not on the past, but on the present and the future. 5. And, most importantly, by being thankful for what you have and reminding yourself that it could be worse. It's about never losing sight of the fact that you have it better than a lot of people out there do. Whenever I'm feeling a little blue, I do one -- if not all -- of these th...

Cant-miss tip for getting in a good mood

I have found that nothing puts me in a better mood than distracting myself -- even if momentarily -- from the present. That can mean picturing myself lounging on a sun-dappled beach, surrounded by turquoise water (not as good as actually being there, but I'll take it); spending a few moments watching bloopers or videos of adorable animals; immersing myself in a compelling book; or listening to my favorite songs on my iPod Touch. The key is to disconnect from the moment. If you spend ALL your time ruminating on your carries and worries, life will become very monotonous. Sometimes you just need a short break from your annoying coworkers, nagging neighbor, and others who drive you up the wall. Such an intermission -- however brief -- can leave you feeling more relaxed and/or energized. I realize this is easier said than done for some people. Not everyone lives in their head or has the inclination to do so, especially those who tend to be more outgoing. However, everyone ...

Don't ever regret THIS

Don't ever regret a relationship that has ended but at one point made you smile. Whether it's your boyfriend of three years with whom you didn't see a future or an old friend who stopped putting effort into seeing you, they made you feel happy along the way, so you shouldn't lament having them in your life. What's more, you likely learned a thing or two from that individual. Maybe it was how to swim, how to cook, or the best way to approach your boss about asking for a raise. Relationships sometimes end miserably, and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to see or hear from the person again. Still, you shouldn't regret the existence of that relationship, for it helped mold you into who you are today. Perhaps it made you realize the kinds of friends or partner you really yearn for in your life. Sometimes we go through a bad experience with one person, learn from our mistakes, and have a much better experience the next time around. That's pre...

INSPIRING: Today's the day to...

Today makes another wonderful day to savor life -- in all its beauty. To smile. To laugh. To breathe the fresh air. To commute with nature. To frolic with those you love. Today brings a fresh opportunity to be grateful for the things we so often take for granted -- like having clean drinking water at our disposal and caring friends at the ready. Today invites you to throw yourself headlong into your passions, whether that be watching exhilarating sports, reading to your heart's content, or generously devoting your time to a local animal shelter. Today makes the perfect day to explore places you've never seen, speak to people you've never met, and raise questions you've never asked. Today is all about you. It's all about positive vibes, meaningful connections, and memorable experiences. Relish all the great things you'll enjoy today -- from the delicious slice of pizza during lunch to the conversation with your close friend over the phone. Always ...

CAN'T-MISS: Do more of this today!

Whatever makes you happy, do more of it today. Whatever brings a smile to your face, do more of it today. Whatever you're passionate about, do more of it today. Whatever you enjoy fighting for, do more of it today. Whatever lifts your spirits, do more of it today. Whatever makes you grateful to live another day, do more of it today. Whatever makes you feel energized, do more of it today. Whatever enhances your well-being, do more of it today. Whatever bolsters your self-esteem, do more of it today. Whatever brings you closer to those you love the most, do it today. Whatever makes you laugh, do more of it today. Whatever enlivens your day, do more of it today. Life is short. Why put off until tomorrow doing the things that give your life meaning and purpose? Whether you love reading, writing, cooking, playing the guitar, volunteering at the local shelter, playing video games, or traveling to a new hotspot every so often, never cease doing the things you l...

Every day gives us a reason to smile

Each day brings challenges, to be sure, but it also brings at least one reason to smile and cherish life. Maybe it's the mere fact that you're alive to see another day. Maybe it's your spouse, kids, friends, or pets. Perhaps it's your extensive book collection, side business, or the charities you're active in. Whenever I feel the urge to complain about something, I quickly try to cancel out that negative feeling by thinking about something I'm deeply appreciative for and passionate about. As bad as things get, there's always a silver living that can turn our frown into a smile -- however fleeting it may be.  Even if you've come across a string of bad days, if today is even slightly better than yesterday, that alone is a step in the right direction. For example, let's say you're on a diet and are aiming to drop 20 pounds. After a day or so of dieting, you weigh yourself and, to your dismay, you've actually gained a pound. You repeat t...

Do more of what makes YOU happy

Recently, my wife and I bought a decorative frame we hung up on my kitchen wall. It reads as follows: "Do more of what makes you happy." I couldn't agree more. That's why I amble to the kitchen to read the quote anytime I feel bored or sad. As long as what you love doing isn't hurting anyone or breaking the law, you should indulge in whatever hobbies or activities tickle your fancy. Mine are simple: I love writing, reading, and learning. A day doesn't go by where I don't seek knowledge on history and psychology, the two subjects about which I'm most passionate. If you find those areas of interest dull, you're not alone. Many people tell me that history puts them to sleep. But that's the beauty of life -- we all have different passions, and we should spend our finite time on this earth exploring and enjoying them as much as possible . I might not have the slightest interest in your hobbies, but I fully appreciate a person throwing th...

Here's a trick that will keep you happier and healthier

When I am having a lousy day, all it takes is seeing a cute animal -- or even a picture or video of one -- to turn my frown upside down. And, from what I've gathered, a host of people I know feel similarly. Indeed, certain stimuli, from pets to teddy bears to cartoons, can redirect our thoughts and put us in a better mood. Beyond making you happier, such a strategy can ease tension and relieve stress, thus positively affecting your health. When we've hit a rough patch, it isn’t always easy to disconnect and focus on, say, a picture of a puppy or a memento from your childhood. But undoing negative energy begins with the mind. In order to extricate ourselves from negative feelings, we have to focus on positive things. Maybe all it takes to help you unwind is a screen saver on your computer with tranquil scenes of nature, or a tabletop fountain whose soothing sounds melt your worries away, if temporarily. The mind is awfully powerful. Unless we do things to pivot our negativ...

Smile -- great things are coming your way!

Don't let your or others' negativity get in the way of your happiness. If you're feeling down about anything -- no matter what it is -- tomorrow is a new day. While things might seem a little bleak now, your luck can change at a moment's notice. That's why we must never lose hope or faith. The more positive you are, the more likely you are to induce favorable events. You bump into the right person at the right time. Your resume gets into the hands of someone you know. Your hard work is finally noticed and you score that elusive promotion. But great things will only come your way if you believe deep down that they're possible. And, of course, it's incumbent on you to take the steps necessary so that those things can become a reality. You won't meet the right person by staying holed up in your apartment all the time. You won't get the promotion unless you promote your accomplishments. Never should we expect things to simply fall in our lap. Thu...

Smile -- tomorrow is a NEW day!

Going through a funk right now in your life? Don't fret -- we've all been there. The beauty of it all is that we can always start anew the next day. Each day is a clean slate -- it gives us the opportunity to cancel out whatever hardship we confronted the day before and work toward reversing our fortunes. With a positive mindset, it can happen. Tomorrow offers limitless possibilities. I remember sinking into a deep depression during the throes of the Great Recession in 2008. News of widespread layoffs dominated the headlines, and I found myself hard-pressed to even find good jobs to apply for.  But I never gave up. Rather, I constantly reminded myself that tomorrow could be better. The promise of a better tomorrow was my glimmer of hope -- my light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel. And indeed, after much hard work and persistence, I wound up getting a job. Each day offers a fresh opportunity to rewrite your life's story. Just because things aren't...

3 can't-miss tips to brighten your day

Feeling frustrated? Stressed? Gloomy? I've been there myself. Whether we're at work or home, it's normal for negative thoughts to permeate our thinking, leading to depression, anxiety, and other unpleasant health outcomes. Here are 3 proven tricks for turning that frown upside down: 1. Just smile: Research shows that merely smiling for no reason can raise your spirits in a big way. In fact, studies have found that when subjects smiled while talking to someone on the phone, the people on the other end perceived the subjects as being in a good mood. 2. Focus your attention on what makes you happy: Seeking out positive, feel-good stimuli allows you to mentally disconnect from your troubles, even if only for a minute or two. For example, I have always had a soft spot for animals. When I'm down in the dumps at work, nothing changes my attitude for the better like seeing pictures or videos of baby animals, whether they be kittens, puppies, or pandas. In your case, it mi...