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Showing posts with the label vanilla

CAN'T MISS: What certain scents can lead you to do (and it's not good)

According to a study recently published in the Journal of Marketing, the smell of cinnamon can actually have an effect on your purchasing behavior! Per researchers, when a warm scent like cinnamon or vanilla fills a store, it can make you subsciously feel as though you're in close quarters. This, in turn, can lead you to feel inadequate, prompting you to purchase more expensive products to counter the sense of inadequacy. Who would have thought that scent alone could drive consumers to spend more? I'd imagine that this study has immense implications for companies that sell big-ticket items like televisions, laptops and cell phones, jewelry, and cars. It's kind of scary when you think about the lengths retailers go to to influence our purchasing decisions. From scents and food samples to colorful signs and unusual store layouts, these companies are doing everything they can to appeal to any one of our five senses. Once any of these cues captures our attention -- in a g...