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Showing posts with the label republican

Who else is TIRED of Trump and Clinton?

I was just telling my coworker how tempted I am to sit this election out. To me, the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees -- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, respectively -- are equally lousy. And I think we have the media to blame for glorifying them. We know all politicians have a few skeletons in their closet, but these two take it to a whole new level. Trump has made disparaging remarks about women, Muslims, fellow Republicans, and other groups. His reluctance to release his tax returns has dogged his campaign. And many within his own party don't even regard him as a true conservative, for he has taken liberal positions on a host of issues in the past. (Not to mention he, as a former Democrat, donated boatloads of money to various Democratic campaigns.) For Clinton's part, the email scandal has proven to be an albatross around her neck, as are Benghazi and her husband's affairs, which many feel will forever blight his legacy. Poll after poll shows t...

7 Facts You Might Not Know About Hillary Clinton

Now that we're in the thick of the 2016 presidential race, I decided to dig up a few facts on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton that you might not know. Admittedly, despite being your typical politics nerd, I didn't know any of these myself: According to the National Constitution Center, Hillary Clinton wasn’t interested in politics at a young age. Instead, she aspired to "become a baseball player, a journalist, and an astronaut.”  Clinton was once a Republican, even campaigning for Barry Goldwater in 1964. She switched parties in 1968 and wound up working for Democratic nominee George McGovern in 1972 and Jimmy Carter in 1976. In 1974, Clinton became a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff during the Watergate scandal. President Richard Nixon resigned later that year. Clinton is the first presidential spouse to earn a postgraduate degree and the first to be elected to national office. Hillary was the first presidential spo...