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Showing posts with the label boobs done

Why are so many women getting boob jobs?

It seems that breast implants are all the rage these days. I know five women who have gotten a boob job in the last three or so years. Why has this become a huge fad? Who do women really get boob jobs for? Themselves? Their husbands? Society in general? I'd say the answer is probably: all of the above. The funny thing, though, is that not all men are "boob guys." I am actually partial to rear ends. But that's just me. It could also be that many women take their cue from Hollywood, which seems the propogate the notion that plastic surgery is a requisite for being beautiful. I believe that women are beautiful just as God made them, and there's really no reason for enhancements. If a man isn't content with your body, I say: Kick him to the curb. Some guy out there will appreciate you for who you are! If it's you who takes issue with your body, you have every right to do with it as you wish. But don't get your boobs done just because a man or s...