Have you noticed that when certain people prod you to do something or go somewhere you may have little interest in -- say, babysit for them or join them on a road trip -- they expect you to follow through, but when it's you making the plans, they suddenly feel they have the flexibility to duck out on you? I've noticed a lot of people I know -- some close friends, even -- do this quite often. Double standard, anyone? These people do to others what they don't want done to them -- a clear violation of the so-called Golden Rule. What's most frustrating is that many of these people assure us it "won't happen again," and yet they never seem to kick the habit. "Fool me once -- shame on you. Fool me twice -- shame on me." If a person continues to leave you hanging, you really have two options: (1) Tell him or her that if she doesn't start honoring commitments -- like you do for your friend -- you will cut the cord on the friendship. Make...
Ready for a much-needed respite from people you can't stand? Relationship Hotel is a welcoming online space that provides valuable tips and advice to help you understand people and navigate relationships—with your partner, friends, coworkers, or yourself—in comfort and ease. Whether you're recovering from a painful breakup or starting a new job, you'll want to check into my expert tips on understanding even the most toxic people in your life. Relax and get cozy at the Relationship Hotel.