That's what I always tell myself when I'm angry over something that really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Isn't it funny how many of the things we complain about are ones that we might not even remember in a year's -- or even a week's-- time? We sweat the small stuff. We make mountains out of molehills, all while other people out there have it far worse. Whenever you feel tempted to sound off about something that's bothering you, stop and ask yourself whether getting all bent out of shape is really beneficial. That's not to say you shouldn't stand up for yourself, or that you should keep silent when someone is doing something that isn't on the up and up. However, we often say and do things that we later come to regret because we let our emotions get the best of us. We feel so compelled to win an argument or get our way that all rational thinking goes out the window. When I find myself in such a negative emotional st...
Ready for a much-needed respite from people you can't stand? Relationship Hotel is a welcoming online space that provides valuable tips and advice to help you understand people and navigate relationships—with your partner, friends, coworkers, or yourself—in comfort and ease. Whether you're recovering from a painful breakup or starting a new job, you'll want to check into my expert tips on understanding even the most toxic people in your life. Relax and get cozy at the Relationship Hotel.