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Showing posts with the label lost

Father's Day, Mother's Day are every day

I know people who are too busy to visit their parents -- that is, except for Mother's Day and Father's Day. Then there are those who have lost one or both parents and become especially sorrowful on these days. One thing I always tell both camps is that Mother's Day and Father's Day are not once a year -- they're every day. I remind the first group that we should think about and reach out to our parents every day. If that's not feasible, it should be at least once a week. I know life gets in the way. We're busy with work, our kids, and so much else. But the fact of the matter is that our parents won't be here forever. We must strive to spend as much time with them as we possibly can while they're still alive. As for the second group, while it's normal to become more melancholy on these days -- who wouldn't with copious Facebook posts and commercials centering on these occasions? -- they should keep one thing in mind. Like all other...