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Showing posts with the label material possessions

Ignore the haters in your life

How many people have you come across in your life who have been envious of something you possess or have accomplished? Maybe it's the new car you bought or the Hamilton tickets you managed to snag. Perhps it's the promotion you landed as a result of your hard work. Or perhaps they envy your fairytale-like marriage. While I've emphasized that material possessions don't bring us lasting happiness, you have every right to acquire and enjoy whatever you please. As long as you're not spending recklessly and hurting yourself or others in the process, what you buy with your hard-earned money is no one else's business. People should focus on themselves and quit worrying about what others are buying, whether it be cheap or expensive.  The problem is that human beings have this seemingly unshakeable tendency to compare themselves to other people.  Certain individuals can't live with the fact that others may have a better house, a prettier spouse,...

You weren't born to impress others

You see it at work, at the mall, and on Facebook. People seem to have this unbridled compulsion to impress their peers, whether it's through their looks or material possessions. Why should we care for others' validation so strongly? What ever happened to being comfortable in your own skin and not letting others dictate how you look and what you buy? In reality, the only one we should be aiming to impress is ourselves. Instead of comparing ourselves to our coworkers and neighbors, we should compare ourselves to the person we were 6 months or a year ago. That's how you assess whether you've made progress. That's the yardstick against which you should measure whether you've succeeded at whatever it is you've set out to achieve. You are your best judge and critic, so why entrust someone else who's never been in your shoes with that power? There's no harm in fishing for compliments at work or angling for a few likes on Facebook every so ofte...

Here's the irony about show-offs...

Ironically, people who show off think they're enhancing their appeal. Little do they know they look foolish in many people's eyes, losing their respect in the process. I once read the following quote online: "Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress."  I have no problem with a person making accomplishments known that might otherwise go overlooked.  But a line can be crossed if one does not exercise some forbearance. For example, do you really have to announce to the Facebook world that you made a hefty donation or are on your way to the dealership to purchase a luxury car? There's a clear difference between mentioning your achievements or material possessions humbly and matter-of-factly, and bragging about them to everyone, no matter the context.  Show-offs don't realize that they can command others' respect without having to wave their goodies in their faces.  If anything, boasting unwitting...

Care what people think of you? Read THIS

Would you care as much about what people think of you if I told you that people, in the grand scheme of things, don't think of you as much as you think they do? That goes for all of us. In general, human beings are very self-conscious. We assume people are looking at or talking about us when they're really not. We presume they're thinking about what we're eating or wearing when that may not be the case. Let's face it: people have more than enough to occupy their mind. From our jobs to kids to bills, we have more important fish to fry than other's dressing and eating habits. Mind you, there are people -- we see them in the workplace all the time -- who do expatiate on such topics, but it's the exception rather than the rule. There's nothing wrong with caring about how you come across to others, but some people take it to an extreme. They spend beyond their means to buy the most expensive clothes, jewelry, and cars in hopes of impressing othe...

Don't base your life on others' choices

Your neighbor buys a brand new BMW -- the same one you eyed in a catalog last week -- and you burn with envy. Your coworker purchases a new house and invites you to a housewarming party. You debate whether to turn down the invitation only because you're angry that you haven't found a home for yourself after a frustrating two-year search.  There will always be things others possess that we wish we could own, too.  But comparing yourself to others and always trying to keep up with the Joneses is the wrong approach. If you want something badly, work hard to acquire it -- whether that means saving money for years, cutting vacations for a while, or angling for a promotion.  Once you have it in your possession, take pride in the fact that you accomplished a huge goal by virtue of your hard work -- that you rewarded yourself with something you truly deserved.  In other words, what you achieve should revolve solely around you -- not what others do o...

Becoming filthy rich isn't hard. Here's how...

That is, if your goal is to become (1) rich in knowledge (2) rich in laughter (3) rich in health (4) rich in family (5) rich in love, and   (6) rich in experiences. Does money buy comfort? Yes. Does it buy security? Yes. Does it buy long-lasting happiness? It could, but that's not always a given. If it were, you wouldn't have wealthy celebrities battling drug and depression problems. Life is about more than money. Material possessions can only bring us so much happiness. Nine times out of ten, I get more enjoyment out of learning new things through a great book, compelling documentary, or visit to the museum than I do buying shirts, household appliances, and other stuff I might not even need. There are so many great things money can't buy. You can't put a price tag on the love shared between friends and family. You can't monetize laughter, especially not the kind that makes tears come out of your eyes. And you certainly can't appraise simple, every...

What would the older you tell the younger you?

If you were to write a note or letter to a much younger version of yourself -- say, your teenage self -- what would it say? Which life lessons or tips would you be sure to incorporate? Here are a couple that I would include: Enjoy your college years to the fullest. Once you graduate, you'll be entering the not-so-fun world of bills and responsibilities. Don't rush to find love. It's better to take it nice and slow. You don't want to feel like you trudged through a significant chunk of your life with someone who turned out a poor fit. As you get older, you'll encounter people at work and elsewhere who will try to get you to change. If you don't drink, you'll run into people who will pressure you to do so. They'll also question things like why you aren't married, why you don't have kids, why you're so reserved, why you didn't become a doctor or lawyer, and so on. What should you do? Never give in, of course. If people can'...

"I wish I had a bigger (insert here)"

If you could have a bigger version of something you currently have, what would it be? Would you opt for: A bigger bank account A bigger brain A bigger house A bigger butt or breasts A wider circle of friends A bigger ego Anything not listed here? I'm guessing most people would opt for the bigger bank account or house. As I've said here before, money and material possessions make you happier only up to a certain point.  I'm content with my life as it is now. I feel blessed to have a good job, loving wife, and great friends and family. I am also grateful for this blog and all the terrific people I've met on it. I feel the best moments and experiences in life are those money can't buy.  What about you?

Are you easy to please?

Some people like Toyota Corollas, while others will settle for nothing "less" than a BMW. Some people can do with a Casio watch, while others swear by more high-end brands like Movado. Some people must have a "10" for a partner; others are perfectly content with a "4"  as long as the person has a great personality. People often use words like "simple," "non-materialistic" and "low-maintenance" to describe me. As I've stated in earlier posts, I'm almost completely impervious to the avalanche of advertising appeals that most people fall prey to. (It also helped that I majored in marketing and minored in psychology.) I'm not saying it's bad to splurge on an item here and there, but I've found that far too many consumers have no concept of what it's like to live within their means. An urge to splurge will suddenly come over them at the mall, leading them to rack up ever-increasing heaps of credit ca...

The secret to being happy

As I have alluded to in other posts, happiness is largely a matter of perspective. If you focus only on all the things you don't have or want to have, you might very well be miserable. If, rather than comparing your lifestyle to that of millionaires driving Ferraris and sporting expensive jewelry, you use the less fortunate as a basis for comparison, you'll feel more grateful for the things you do have and suddenly feel happier about your lot in life. One mistake people make is relying solely on external sources to be happy--whether it be their jobs, friends, or material possessions. I'm not saying we can't derive any happiness from these -- we all do to some degree. But in reality, happiness has to come from within. Happiness is by and large subjective. Your idea of happiness might be to go and get wasted every weekend, never get married, and ride around in a Harley. Mine may be to stay at home with my wife watching movies, writing, and reading books. My version ...