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Showing posts with the label reflect

And the way to get more out of your life is...

We are always looking for ways to make the most of the limited time we have on this planet, which can be a tall order given the slew of responsibilities with which we have to contend.  But carving out the time is paramount! In fact, it's imperative we strive to make the most of each and every day. Sure, we can plan for the future and learn from the past, but we mustn't harp on either or we risk missing out on the here and now.  To ensure you live a fulfilling life, ask yourself this key question: If I were in my deathbed, what will I wish I'd done more? And go do it -- now! Will you regret not having spent more hours at the office? Not having bought more stuff to pile up in the closet or garage? Probably not. You'll probably wish you'd spent more time with your loved ones and pets, more time savoring the little things in life -- which, when you reflect on the totality of life, will seem like big things. Let's be real: Life can't be all fun and games all the ...

The best things in life are certainly NOT these...

The best things in life are not things at all. Indeed, the best things in life are intangible in nature. They include: Love for family and friends Peace Health Tranquility Knowledge Memories Experiences Comfort Security  Let me put it this way: When you're in your dead bed, are you going to be thinking about your huge flat screen TV or sporty car? Perhaps you'll have to if you're drawing up a will in your final hours. But other than that, why even bother thinking of them if you can't take them with you? This certainly runs contrary to what we're taught at an early age: That life should be about pursuing the biggest and best money can buy. Sadly, it isn't until very late into their lives that they realize this was all a crock.  I'm not saying one can't have nice things; after all, we work our butts off, so we might as well treat ourselves occassionally.  But regarding materialism as central to your happiness is taking...

4 things the coronavirus pandemic has taught us

As most of us have been spending a great deal of time at home lately amid the threat of the coronavirus, it has afforded us the opportunity to stop and reflect -- something we seldom find the time to do in the hustle and bustle of our regular lives. Perhaps you're now considering finally making a career change you've been mulling for years. Maybe all the sobering talk of recession has you dreaming up ways to save or invest money. Or, spending more time with your partner has brought you closer together -- or driven you further apart -- raising questions about your future on the love front. Nonetheless, here are four lessons to be learned from these unprecedented times: 1. It's the little things that matter. We get so caught up in trivial matters -- when the next iPhone is coming out, who the neighbor is cheating on his wife with -- that we lose focus of the things in life that truly count. Spending an extra hour each day playing with your daughter. Finally gettin...

What do you use to reflect on the past?

When you ask people what they might use to reminisce about the past, most will point to pictures they might have stashed away in their attic or garage. But I think music and movies can also serve to take us back in time, both of which are pretty easy to retrieve nowadays via the internet. Whenever I watch movies or listen to songs from my childhood, it transports me back to the time they were originally released. I ask myself questions like: How old was I when this song or movie was out? Did I watch the movie in the theater? Was I with my parents? With friends? Where would the song be played? On the radio? At school dances? Who else around me liked it? I realize some people might regard those details as minutiae, especially those who couldn't care less about the past or for one reason or another wish to put it behind them.  Another reason why I am so fond of music and movies from those years? I find them to be superior to the ones of today.  It seems the cont...