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Showing posts with the label Stay busy

CAN'T MISS: The secret to NEVER feeling bored

Want to know the secret to never feeling bored? It's quite simple. You'll never feel bored as long as you're always working toward achieving a goal -- specifically, one that centers around something you love to do. Let me give you a few examples: If you love to read, aim to read a different book each month. (Even better, you can shoot for a different one each week!) If you love working out, hit the gym at least a few times each week and try getting a 6-pack, building bigger biceps, or getting rid of your love handles If you love to write, challenge yourself to write a certain number of stories each year If you're a collector, there's always something else you can add to your collection If you love music, make it a goal of yours to download as many of your favorite songs as possible If you love watching movies, strive to watch, say, 10 or more movies a month If you don't feel you're doing what you love at work, find another job within your...

Feeling down? Stay Busy!

If you're feeling a little blue, all it takes to turn that frown upside down is a little mental rewiring. The best way to do this is to stay busy. Keeping your mind occupied prevents you from ruminating on negative things for too long. If you love animals, the "aww" moment you get from seeing a picture of a newborn kitten might be all it takes to change your mood. (This works for me, as I have a soft spot for animals.) Whether you enjoy sports, cooking, reality TV, or reading fiction novels, focusing on things you like pushes your thinking in a much more positive direction. The point is that sadness and negativity can eat away at us. Unfortunately, things of a negative nature have a much stronger effect on us than those of a positive nature. Is it any wonder the news is saturated with stories that center on death and murder? Remind yourself to always cancel out a negative thought with a positive one. DO NOT let the negative ones infiltrate and take over your mind! J...