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Showing posts with the label monroe

Who else is TIRED of Trump and Clinton?

I was just telling my coworker how tempted I am to sit this election out. To me, the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees -- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, respectively -- are equally lousy. And I think we have the media to blame for glorifying them. We know all politicians have a few skeletons in their closet, but these two take it to a whole new level. Trump has made disparaging remarks about women, Muslims, fellow Republicans, and other groups. His reluctance to release his tax returns has dogged his campaign. And many within his own party don't even regard him as a true conservative, for he has taken liberal positions on a host of issues in the past. (Not to mention he, as a former Democrat, donated boatloads of money to various Democratic campaigns.) For Clinton's part, the email scandal has proven to be an albatross around her neck, as are Benghazi and her husband's affairs, which many feel will forever blight his legacy. Poll after poll shows t...

19 Can't-Miss Facts About Virginia

Here are 20 fun facts about Virginia , officially known as the Commonwealth of Virginia : It is nicknamed "Old Dominion" due to its status as the first colonial possession established in mainland British America. It is also nicknamed "Mother of States" because eight U.S. presidents were born there, more than any other state. Among them were four of the first five commanders-in-chief: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. Six future first ladies were born in Virginia. It is the 35th largest state by area, being divided into 95 counties and 38 independent cities. Virginia has five major airports. The state has five different climate regions: the Tidewater, Piedmont, Northern Virginia, Western Mountain, and Southwestern Mountain regions. Forests cover over 60% of the state. The first people are estimated to have arrived in Virginia over 12,000 years ago. Virginia was named for Elizabeth I, England's "Virgin Queen....