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Showing posts with the label happier

3 can't-miss tips for a happier life

While you might think living a happy life should involve no shortage of bells and whistles -- fancy cars, big houses, a wide circle of relationships -- people can find joy and contentment in things that may not cost much (if anything at all). Here are three tips for finding pockets of happiness in daily life: 1. Live simply. Sure, who doesn't like being a nice car, watch, or pair of shoes every so often? While treating ourselves to something nice is a good thing -- we do, after all, work hard for it -- we should never depend on material stuff to make us happy, much like we shouldn't turn to human beings for fulfillment. Aim to appreciate the little things in life that bring us joy -- a beautiful sunset, a hot cup of coffee, a game of fetch with the dog. These are things that require little to no money and leave us feeling better. Some people feel happiness eludes them, but there's happiness to be found in the simplest of things. 2. Love generously. What better f...

A happier life means having to do THIS

Can you guess what holds many people back from fulfilling their potential and leading a happy life? It's none other than their past. In the worst cases, the past can be a heavy anchor that pins us down, holds us back, and impedes our growth. People perceive their past differently, sometimes depending on how things are going for them in the present.  If things are not that great right now, they may view their past quite favorably, always lamenting that they wish things could be as they were in the "good old days." Then there are those who find it difficult to move past bad experiences. For example, those who went through a bad break-up might become paranoid about entering into a new relationship, turning down opportunities to go out with ostensibly promising suitors. They vow to never trust or give their heart to anyone again.  But we can never be truly happy unless we learn to let go of the past. The more you allow the past to paralyze or hau...

Want to be happier? Here's a way to do it...

Want to be happier in your life? Here's a strategy for achieving it: Strive to achieve balance . You might be asking, "Balance what, exactly?" Good question. Happy people strike a healthy balance between setting goals and appreciating what they already possess or have achieved.  Look, there's nothing wrong with being ambitious. Some of us already have the next goal in mind even before we've achieved the present one. Whether we aim to lose weight, start a business, get a master's degree, or climb Mount Everest, setting goals keeps us motivated. Many people feel that if they have no goals in mind, they're just settling, thereby inhibiting their own growth. But it's important not to lose sight of how far you've come. Unfortunately, some individuals are never content. They view everything (and everyone) in their lives as disposable, and they find themselves unable satiate their hunger for a more challenging job, a bigger house, a prettie...

A little trick to feeling happier is THIS...

Want to know a quick and easy way to feeling happier? Be grateful . It's as simple as that. A week or so ago, I had quite a scare. When I got home from work last Friday evening, I got a bad vibe -- a "something is missing" vibe. To my dismay, while using my cell phone, I noticed that my wedding band was not on my finger!  I hadn't the slightest clue where it could be; I couldn't even remember the last time I'd seen it. It's one of those things where you grow so accustomed to having or seeing something that you automatically assume it's always there. Unfortunately, it wasn't the first time in recent weeks that the ring had slid off my finger. It happened on another occasion where it fell in a drawer I was rummaging through to find a receipt. That should have been a warning to take the ring to get adjusted.) My wife and I frantically searched for the ring -- in our condo, along the walk paths outside, in my car. We even searched my cubicl...

Here's a trick to feeling happier in your life

They say that happiness starts in the mind, and that is no exaggeration.  What people fail to realize is that we can actually put a positive spin on many of the things that leave us feeling anxious or sad. Of course, there are serious circumstances that you can't put a happy face on (e.g., news of an illness), but this technique still works for a wide range of situations in which a simple change in one's outlook can radically improve their day.  For example, many people fret over aging and reminisce about the "good old days." Instead of dwelling on the past, though, why not think that your best days are actually ahead of you?  Think about it: The younger version of yourself that you visualize was probably more naive and inexperienced. Chances are you were not as financially secure and had not the faintest idea what you wanted to do with your life.  So, in reality, you're in a better place now -- wiser and with a firmer handle on your goals an...

Want to be happier? Don't do THIS

Want to be happier? The   less you attach your happiness to people or material things, the happier you'll be. Why? Because material things come and go, as do people. They're transitory.  What brings us true joy are experiences, which can create lasting memories. While things may have ended badly with your ex-boyfriend, there's no harm in conceding that you cherished -- perhaps to this day -- the times you spent with him, even if you don't want him back in your life. Or, you may reminisce about the trip you and your friends took to Cancun while you were in college, even though time and distance have caused something of a rift in your friendship. See what I mean? Focus on the experience and how it enriched your life, not on the person. Relationships evolve just like the people in them. Depending on someone else to be happy sets one up for disappointment in the event that person does a one-eighty, which most of us have experienced at some poin...

Open relationships...are they for everyone?

The answer is a resounding no -- at least in my book. Open relationships have become more popular in recent years. Why? Because many people -- some following bad breakups and others because of a reluctance to commit to anyone -- are finding that they're happier keeping their options open. That's fine. More power to them. Everyone has a right to do as they wish in their love life. Personally, I would never agree to an open relationship. If there's something I expect in a relationship, it's loyalty . Exclusivity. Plus, I'd burn with jealousy at the thought of my partner fooling around with someone else. I could never take someone who wants this kind of a relationship seriously. I'd be worried that she could leave me at any moment. I would want a partner who is committed to me and only me. I've always been a one-relationship-kind-of-guy and would feel guilty seeing different women simultaneously. I can see open relationships being appealing to peopl...

Don't try to be liked by EVERYONE

Those who try too hard to be liked by everyone demonstrate two things: (1) they're insecure (2) they need others' approval/validation to feel better about themselves . They're the ones who cunningly adapt their personality to get in the other person's good graces. Consequently, they come off as being less genuine, willing to do almost anything to bolster their appeal. For example, they might say they share your passion for baseball or gardening when, in reality, they wouldn't be caught dead watching a game or fiddling with soil. I like to call these people fakes, charlatans, posers. There's a fine line between being gregarious and trotting out a deceptive persona. I urge people to be true to themselves -- to let the real them shine through. No one says that everyone has to like you. No one says you need the approval of all those around you. The day you relinquish the need for others' validation is the day you'll feel much happier in and about ...

The less you expect of people, the happier you'll be

In life, everyone is on their own personal journey. In order to really grow as an individual, you have to accept that no matter what people do to you -- and no matter how you expect them to think or act -- people are who they are. The less you expect from someone, the less you can be hurt by them. The higher your expectations, the greater the potential for heartbreak and disappointment. Come to terms with the fact that people -- even some of your closest friends and relatives -- will do things that will leave you scratching your head sometimes. Human beings are unpredictable, rash, and irrational. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they surprise you yet again. Never rely on people for your happiness. You have to be happy with yourself -- first and foremost. Other people should merely enhance your life, not complete it. As much as you may desire for people to think or behave a certain way -- because, in your view, it's the fair and right thing to do -- ...

Never walk in someone else's shadow

Never walk in someone else's shadow -- whether it's that of your parents, partner, or friend -- for each of us are destined to go down a different path. Ours are unique successes and experiences. Our interests, our innermost feelings, our convictions -- they're all far different from those of people around us. Don't fight what makes you different. Embrace it, for you are magnificent just as you are. Depressing would be a world in which all of us think and act in lockstep. One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is being able to share what makes us unique with everyone else. Never envy what other have, nor try to emulate how they act or think. You are your own person -- a wonderful one at that. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Believe you can make a wonderful life for yourself and you shall. No one can do that for you. Take pride in your personality, your thoughts, your values. Take pride in all you have to offer the world. A...