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Showing posts with the label imperfect

Relationships are never perfect

Just as people are not infallible, relationships can never be perfect. Still, people should strive to be the best versions of themselves that they could possibly be. When you enter into a relationship with someone, you concede that it's not just about you anymore. Selfishness and egoism must be checked at the door. There will be times where the two of you bitterly disagree about certain things. You'll endure hardships along the way that will surely test your mettle as a couple. No matter how much time and effort you invest in the relationship, there will always be imperfections. No matter how much you wish your partner were neater, she may always be messy.  Perhaps you'd prefer if your boyfriend were more romantic, athletic, or bookish, but you've come to realize it'll never happen. There are aspects of our partner's personality we probably wish we could change -- even if we never say so aloud. But part of being with someone is accepting them...

The definition of a true relationship is...

A real relationship is, plain and simple, one in which two imperfect people refuse to give up on one another. Let's face it: If one expects a flawless partner -- let alone a perfect relationship -- they're sure to have a rude awakening. If there's one thing we can all attest to, it's that relationships have their ups and downs. Sometimes partners will do things to test each other's patience and loyalty. Some may come to the brink of calling it quits. But if two people genuinely love each other, they'll do all they can to find common ground. They won't always agree on the best way to tackle a problem, but they'll each make some concessions so that each party feels as though their voice is being heard. A relationship will undoubtedly falter if both people are always out to get the upper hand. Relationships are about navigating challenges together so you can grow stronger together. But seeking to prove the other wrong or catch him or her red...

MUST READ: One thing that's certain about your life

If there's one thing that's certain about your life, it's that it isn't perfect . Don't fret. Neither is mine. Neither is anyone else's. And that's precisely the beauty of it all. Not having everything we want makes us appreciate what we have even more . Think about it: If we had everything we could possibly desire, wouldn't that make life, well, a tad boring? There's no such thing as the perfect job . There will always be something or someone at work that isn't to our liking. If our jobs were perfect, they'd be called a hobby. But in order to keep food on the table and a roof over our head, we have to make some concessions. There's no such thing as the perfect partner.   Just as we say "batteries included" for many of the items we buy, you can rest assured that your partner comes with "flaws included." There's no such thing as a perfect human being. We have no choice but to take the good with the bad if ...