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Showing posts with the label cynical

Don't let negative people turn you into THIS

Never allow negative people -- the naysayers, the Debbie Downers, the half-glass-empty crowd -- turn you into   them. We all have bad days, but that's no reason to want our bad vibes to rub off on those who seem happy and content. Misery may yearn for company, but we shouldn't feel compelled to be that company. If people find themselves in the whole, they need to work through their problems on their own. Instead of aiming their frustration at other people, they should turn to them for support. They should see them as a source of comfort rather than as an annoyance. In the end, the people whom these negative folks wish were just as unhappy as they are would probably do anything to turn their frown upside down. Needless to say, they'd be directing their ire at someone who, chances are, would be disposed to lend a hand in any way possible. But as we well know, people who are in a crappy mood don't always think rationally. They focus only on themselves, and ...

People aren't always who they seem

A co-worker recently intimated to me that she isn't big on befriending people at work. When I asked her why, she said you never really know who you can trust. In her experience, sometimes the last people you would expect to stab you in the back are the ones who do. I couldn't refute what she was saying because I have experienced it myself. Some people pretend to be nice -- to like you, to be your friend -- but when the opportunity arises, they sell you out without blinking, wholly inconsiderate of your feelings. Does this mean we should be cynical with everyone we come across? Of course not. What it means is that you shouldn't confide in them until you know for sure that they're trustworthy, and that includes: Not divulging information about your relationships, finances, or other personal matters that they can then use against you if things go sour. Not doing favors for them (at least not constantly) before you know whether they've got your back ...

How much should we trust people?

You set yourself up for disappointment every time you expect someone to think and behave as you do. You may expect a person to act a certain way in a given situation, but it doesn't always pan out that way, unfortunately. How many times has someone done something to disappoint you, after which you expected an apology that never came to fruition? How many one-sided friendships or relationships have you been in where only you invested time and energy in them? While some people can be relied upon, others are only out for themselves -- all the time. Whether it's someone you call a close friend or a mere acquaintance, people can turn their backs on you at any moment. That's why it's important never to expect too much from anyone, as cynical as that may sound. The only one you can fully depend on is yourself. Over time, people change, as do their lives. While change can be for the better, it is sometimes for the worse, as far as our friendships and relationships go. ...