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Showing posts with the label keeping word

Here's what you should never expect others to do

One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to have high expectations of other people. Simply put, we expect people to think or act like us in a given situation,  but wind up disappointed when it doesn't pan out. This can lead us to put our thinking caps on and probe into the possible reasons why this individual failed to live up to our expectations. We can drive ourselves batty doing this! I'm here to give you a tip you should always keep in mind -- one that will serve you well in life, whether you're dealing with your boss, friends, or partner: Instead of expecting people to keep their word and come through for you all the time, expect them to let you down instead.  That way, when they do deliver as promised, you'll be pleasantly promised. When they don't, well, it isn't like it'll catch you by surprise, right? This is my own strategy for preemptively priming myself for the worst-case scenario. People who do this are what you'd call proactive ...