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Showing posts with the label actions speak louder than words

The easiest way to tell if someone is lying

Do you ever get that sneaking suspicion that someone is lying to you even though you want to believe them? Maybe it's a co-worker who tries to assure you she wasn't the one who furtively stole the stapler. Maybe it's a friend who calls you at the last minute to say they've come down with a stomach bug and cannot attend your birthday party.  The simplest way to tell if someone is lying to you is to assess whether their words match their actions. For example, I was once involved with a woman who professed her love for me day and night.  I'd met her online and was always eager to meet up in person, but she never seemed to share in that enthusiasm. Everytime I proposed going to the mall or movies together, she came up with a new excuse for why she couldn't go. After much cajoling, she agreed to meet face-to-face. I was smitten and always looked forward to our next encounter, but the feeling didn't seem mutual.  In the end, I saw her two or three times, and then ...

People need to SHOW they care, or it's over

Given that Thursday marked Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., it made the perfect occasion to take a moment and acknowledge the efforts of the special people in our lives who show they genuinely care for us -- whether it be our parents, partner, close friends, and/or co-workers. (Yet, this should be done over the course of the entire year, not just one day of the year.) As we well know, one thing is to profess you care, and another is to show it. Showing it means going out of your way -- inconveniencing yourself, if you will -- for other people. It means putting someone atop your priority list every so often, even though you have a slew of things you still need to tend to. It means being there when someone needs you, even if it's just via text or by phone. It means that you don't just surface on the person's birthday.  Real relationships are about putting into them what you get out of them .  Those who care aren't only thinking about what they can extract f...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose impressive resume includes everything from Founding Father of the United States and printer to author, scientist, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin This one is a lot easier to decipher than prior quotes I've featured on the blog. Perhaps Franklin's quote predated a similar one we've come to know quite well: "Actions speak louder than words." I couldn't agree more with Franklin, and he would know this better than most as he himself worked in the political arena. We all have stories of encountering politicians or salesmen great at schmoozing with the public but once you try to dig deeper you're hard-pressed to find anything profound. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. They fail to back up their words with concrete steps toward achieving whatever it is they've promised. Very rarely do I ever take someon...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose work runs the gamut from Founding Father of the United States to accomplished author, printer, inventor, statesman, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin I feel that this is an 18th century variant of an oft-repeated quote we've come to know quite well: "actions speak louder than words." I think this quote is especially timely in this politically-charged time we live in. Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle -- like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson -- are promising to effect sweeping changes should they come out the victor. It remains to be seen, however, whether they truly live up to their words. The American people are cognizant of the fact that politicians will say anything to procure votes, and that paying lip service is just part of the game. But the quote's relevance extends beyond the world of politi...