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Showing posts with the label efficient

Understanding People Poll: What helps you be productive?

I'd like to take this moment to take a poll: What is it that helps you be more productive throughout the day? Here are a few options from which to choose, but feel free to mention not one on this list -- it is by no means exhaustive. Coffee Energy drinks Music Exercise (whether in the morning or afternoon) Taking short breaks to read Walking around Doing something on your phone or computer (playing games, etc.) Aside from the obvious (writing and blogging), I find that music keeps me productive. The work day goes by so much quicker with music! Think about it: Assuming that each song is 3 minutes on average, that means that once you've listened to 20 songs, a whole hour has gone by.  If you really love the songs you're listening to, and assuming you encounter slow periods at work, music can definitely be a blessing. While listening to music, I seem to get more work done, too. I love exercising as well, but only when I can have my iPod at full blast. T...