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Showing posts with the label assertiveness

CAN'T MISS: How people manipulate us

It's in some people's nature to try to manipulate others at every turn. These opportunists care little about the consequences of their actions. They're conniving and deceitful, carrying out their schemes so stealthily as to never attract attention. In fact, on the surface, they can seem like some of the nicest individuals you'll ever meet, the last people you'd suspect of any wrongdoing. These people are masters at exploiting others' good nature. Their easiest and favorite targets are those who are perpetually nice and accommodating. They figure that people who lack a backbone are more likely to let themselves be taken advantage of. Once they see they can get a favor or two from them with very little effort, they press on with full force and never look back. The most common form of manipulation often involves what many deem the "root of all evil": money. We've all heard stories of women who use their feminine wiles to bilk wealthy men -- espe...

Do women like bossy men?

In a word, no. There's a fine line to be drawn between assertiveness/self-confidence, qualities which women find attractive, and all-out bossiness, which can send them running for the hills. If a woman has to choose between a needy guy and a bossy one, who do you think will prevail? Well, both guys would be out of luck. Women don't want a pushover any more than they desire a guy who tells them what to do all the time. If they had it their way, they'd opt for something in the middle. For example, choosing something on the menu for her every time you both go to a restaurant is a big no no. She is not 5 years old and will react unfavorably to not being allowed to pick an item freely. However, when it comes to choosing a restaurant -- or anywhere else to go for that matter -- women like a man with a plan. It's a turn off to constantly be asking her, "Where should we eat tonight?" "What do you wish to do this weekend?" Women value a man who ca...