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Showing posts with the label powerful

This is what makes us truly powerful

What makes us powerful is not that we're better than anyone else, for everyone has flaws. It's that we're different from them. Sure, "different" can carry a negative connotation if it means the person is, say, a drug addict, woman beater, or compulsive gambler. In this context, however, different means unique. Maybe you know no one who can whip up a mean apple pie like you can. Perhaps people lean on you for all things spelling and grammar because they regard you as the ultimate wordsmith. Or, you're an expert a fixing cars, playing the violin, chess, or scubadiving. We all bring a different set of talents to the table -- ones we should not only embrace, but continually aim to strengthen. Having unique skills shouldn't be perceived as an excuse to show off or pretend one is above others. Instead, it affords us the opportunity to: 1. Demonstrate to others the kinds of things we love (which may not align with their interests, and that...

Never be afraid to do this...

Is there anything you really want to do in your life, but find yourself paralyzed by the fear of failure? Maybe you want to leave your comfortable job for a more challenging post with another company, but you're worried it won't work out. Perhaps you wish to propose to your girlfriend, but you can't quash a nagging fear that she will say no. What do such hypothetical scenarios have in common? That in each case, we tend to think the very worst. No sooner do we set a goal than we imagine ourselves being unsuccessful. Sure, falling short is a real possibility for every one of us. But are we really going to let the prospect of failure keep us from even trying? Never be afraid of taking a risk , so long as you feel that: 1. Provided that you invest the time and effort, you have a real shot at succeeding. 2. If you do succeed, you're certain the benefits will outweigh the costs of taking the plunge. Of course, if you don't plan to work your butt of...

What you think, you become

Buddha once said, "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." If there's one thing we can unequivocally infer from Buddha's words, it's that the mind wields a very powerful influence on our daily lives. Thinking positively can make a world of a difference between a good day and a terrible one. Merely telling yourself in the morning that today will be a good day becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Living in the moment and thinking about all you have can lift your spirits in a big way, unlike the tendency to ruminate on the negative -- what you lack, what could be better, etc. If you aspire to become, say, the CEO of your company, the very first step is believing you can get there. If you don't believe in yourself, you'll lose motivation almost as quickly as you've mustered it. And positive vibes are infectious; they draw people to you like flies. It's no surprise that when you're in a gre...

Do you hate it when people do THIS?

I can't stand it when people try too hard  to be liked by others. It always leads me to think that they're desperate for others' approval, seeking validation for everything from their choice of partner to their hobbies. They can't enough likes on Facebook. They do anything for compliments and attention. Ugh! Why must people be so dependent on other people to be happy? Why does their approval wield such a powerful influence in their lives? Here's the truth: The more people yearn to be liked by those around them, the less happy they are with themselves. They figure that if they aren't getting pats on the back every so often, there must be something wrong with them. But this couldn't be further from the truth. Some people seek others' validation as a way of compensating for low self esteem, depression, or other negative outcomes. What they fail to understand is that such approval can end any day on short notice, and for whatever reason. Maybe ...