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Showing posts with the label spontaneous

Your relationship needs THIS to thrive

They say variety is the spice of life. But it's also the spice of relationships. Infusing variety into your relationship keeps it fresh and exciting. Remember the so-called honeymoon stage? You know, the one where you and your partner were getting to know each other and every date seemed like a new adventure? Neither of you had to put much effort into the relationship, your hormones were raging, and any flaws were as yet undiscovered. It's as if you were floating on cloud nine. However, as time passed, the intense passion gave way to a calmer, more mature phase where you weren't all about jumping each other's bones. You grew accustomed to and comfortable around one another. Your foibles were put on your display and your relationship was tested in a number of ways. If you managed to weather such storms and opted to stay together in spite of all the negative qualities about each other that came to light, there's no question that the two of you share a deep...

Why you shouldn't schedule leisure activities

There's no question that planning is an integral part of lives. We schedule everything from meetings at work to haircuts and dentist appointments. But did you know that scheduling leisure activities like happy hour can actually make them less enjoyable? According to a series of 13 studies from the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis, leisure, once scheduled, becomes more like work. That causes people to become less excited by and even resentful towards such scheduled leisure. In the end, people enjoy such activities as going to a movie and grabbing a bite to eat much more when they're unscheduled. It makes sense that we would derive less pleasure from activities we've jotted down in our planner or smartphone calendar. Think about it: We've all made plans ahead of time, only to blow them off because we weren't in the mood or just didn't feel like standing up and getting dressed. On the other hand, if a friend proposes that you g...

Here's how to stop time from flying by

One question people often ask me is why time seems to go faster with age. They see themselves in their 40s and 50s and cannot believe how quickly the years have gone by. Perhaps you find yourself asking the same thing. Studies show that routine is to blame. The more repetitive things become, the less likely you are to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. You just take each day for granted in rinse and repeat fashion. That's precisely why we should aim to fill our lives with novel experiences. Whether it's exploring new destinations or trying out new foods, experiences that are unique and uncommon extricate us from the monotony of daily life and give us a fresh perspective. They make us think. They make us pause. When something is new and exciting, we engross ourselves in it, and we look forward to the next time we can partake in such an experience. Think about all the times we waited with bated breath for Christmas to roll around as children. Having to wait 12 months fo...

Does life get more boring as you get older?

I've come a long way since graduating from college: I landed a good job, bought a new car and condo, married the love of my life, and have traveled considerably. Why is it, then, that I can't help but reminisce -- fondly, I might add -- about the days when I was a broke college student? After giving this some serious thought, I arrived at a possible answer. It isn't so much that life gets more dull as you get older. What it becomes is more predictable, and you no longer have the flexibility to do the things you did in your 20s. Many of us spend the first couple of years of our college experience exploring which career paths we want to pursue. I myself switched majors once, and I know several people who did so multiple times. Once we've pinned down a major, we usually have choice of activities we can partake in to enhance what we learn in the classroom -- from extracurricular activities to opportunities to travel abroad. Then comes the uncertainty surrounding...

Routine can stifle career and relationship growth

When we fall into a routine, we can become overly complacent. This works well for some people, but not so much for others. Forward-looking and always in search of ways to liven up my career and marriage, I fall within the latter group. I accept routine up to a point, but eventually it begins to grate on me a bit. I like to feel as though I can look forward to something bigger and better. In the context of my marriage, this means doing new, spontaneous things with my wife -- say, visiting a particular destination for the first time, trying out different foods and restaurants, and partaking in new outdoor activities. Many people say that once the wedding and honeymoon are over with and people finally have to live like a married couple, it's not all peaches and cream. Well, I can attest to that. Marriages, just like relationships, take a lot of work. Once the novelty of a relationship wears off, people need to put in a considerable degree of effort to keep things fun and interes...

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?

As much as I hate to admit it, I normally see the glass as half empty. The same occurs when I notice that my cell phone battery is at 50%. My first impulse is to reach for the water pitcher or charger. I'm usually one to harp on the negative rather than dwell on the positive. I realize it's something I have to work on a bit. However, my sometimes-pessimistic-nature helps me be a lot more perceptive than most people around me. By thinking of the worst possible scenario -- and taking proactive steps to avoid it -- I've kept myself out of trouble. My friends sometimes chide me for being a creature of habit -- one who seldom leaves the comfortable confines of his comfort zone. But I've come to accept and like this about myself. Not everyone is meant to be a spontaneous, happy-go-lucky wanderer. I think people who remain grounded and weigh their options carefully can live a happier life. They're less likely to make hasty, regrettable decisions. My friends know I...

Women aren't attracted to overly nice guys

Here's a message for single men as well as those in relationships: Like everything else in life, being nice should be done moderately. As crazy as this may sound, women neither want nor expect you to be nice, sweet, and romantic 24/7. If you do this with the intention of getting laid or having her fall in love with you, you will fail miserably! You can be nice and respectful without overdoing it. What is overdoing it? Well, you are sure to lose her respect and get even less hibbity dibbity if you opt not to: Stand your ground and defend your positions Call her out on her screw-ups so as not to "offend" her Take the lead in the bedroom; women like men who know what they're doing, and most of them like "rough and tumble" Keep her on the edge of her feet; unpredictability keeps her wondering what you'll do next and actually draws her closer to you Have your own hobbies outside of the relationship View her as enhancing your life instead of comp...