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Showing posts with the label true friends

How to tell who's a true friend

Today I'd like to share a quote comes from Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), the longest-serving First Lady in U.S. history. She held the post from 1943 to 1945, during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's unprecedented four terms in office. It seems I discover a new great quote from Roosevelt every so often; I've featured roughly five of them already on this blog. "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." I think this quote rings true for many of us. We have met more people in our lives than we can remember. And even though the passage of time, death, long distance, or other circumstances might bring certain friendships to an end, we never forget those who have made a positive impact on our lives. Most of us will always have a special place in our hearts for our closest friends from elementary and high school, for example, even though we may have lost touch with them. Perhaps we shared special ...

Pick the RIGHT people to be in your life

No matter how hard you try to make people happy, some of them will simply take you for granted. Many of these individuals will be oblivious to or fail to appreciate all you do for them. It's these kinds of people you should not keep in your life.  You don't want to associate yourself with people who only care you exist when they need something -- when it's convenient for them. They may consider themselves your friends, but they're anything but. True friends are not users, nor are they opportunists. Real friends are there for you through the thick and thin. They understand that the cornerstone of a strong friendship is giving with one hand and taking with the other. There is absolutely no place for selfishness, envy, or jealousy in a friendship or relationship. These all serve to undermine the trust and goodwill cultivated between two people. More importantly, never seek the company of people who demand that you change something about yourself. Who are they to dict...

When someone DOUBTS you...

When someone casts doubt on you and your ability to achieve a goal -- especially a far-fetched one -- how should you react? Should you hurl obscenities at them? Stoop down to their level and discredit their own goals or accomplishments? Absolutely not. The best course of action is to work harder than ever to achieve that goal -- and prove them wrong.  Over the years, people have doubted my ability to do everything from lose 30 pounds over the summer to land jobs for which there have been over 100 applicants. There's nothing sweeter than proving wrong those who write you off. And why would they? We can achieve anything we set our hearts and minds to. The naysayers are likely those who doubt their own ability to accomplish whatever goal you've set out to achieve, as well as their personal goals. They're simply projecting their own lack of self-confidence to you. Never stand for such behavior. If these individuals claim to be your friends, perhaps you ought to thin...