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Showing posts with the label networking

You won't get the job without doing THIS...

Let's face it. Human beings are social, emotional creatures. When it comes to job interviews, a candidate's qualifications and experience matter a great deal. However, in order to outshine other equally qualified -- or better qualified -- candidates, you have to bring something more to the table. Yes, knowing someone who knows someone else can improve your odds. But chances are you will eventually apply for a job at a company at which none of your friends, acquaintances, or friends of friends work. Luckily, though, you can still land a job without networking. Here's my secret to increasing your chances of getting the job exponentially: Connect with the interviewer on a personal level . Let's say my interviewer's name is Stacy. At some point in the interview (usually toward the end), I might tell her that I had a very close friend in college with the same name. Or, I might see a sticker on her filing cabinet that says "Born in New York" and sa...