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Showing posts with the label productivity

Best job market in nearly a decade?

In a commencement address on Monday, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen congratulated the graduating class at the University of Baltimore on earning their degrees and told them that they're entering the workforce at an opportune time. Per Yellen, the grads are entering the best job market in nearly a decade following years of a slow economic recovery. During a strong economy, she added, not only are jobs more plentiful, but they tend to pay better. Yellen told the graduates that the degrees they've earned are the ticket to a successful working life, giving them access to higher-paying opportunities and providing them with higher job satisfaction over their careers. Yellen stated that college graduates' annual earnings are, on average, 70% higher than those who only hold a high school diploma -- an increase of 50% since 1980. The chairwoman went on to say that all signs point to a healthy job market, including consistent job creation, more job openings, and a ...

THIS can help you be more productive

If I were to tell you to think of things that increase productivity, what would you say? Chances are you'd mention working harder and building better time management skills. While these efforts can certainly boost productivity, I've found -- as have many others -- that music works wonders in helping me get more done in less time. You're probably wondering how music factors into increased productivity, but it's pretty simple. Whether I'm trying to get more reading done, put in a longer workout at the gym, or make a long drive more bearable, music motivates me to keep going and going. At some point, we've all gotten so into a song that we become impervious to our surroundings. Research shows that music makes us happier and keeps us engaged. It can make the difference between being in a good mood for hours on end and having a lousy, forgettable day. When reading a book, even one I find mildly interesting, there comes a point where I get tired and distra...

What this CEO did is UNHEARD of

In April, Dan Price, CEO of the of the credit card payment processor Gravity Payments, left employees, customers, and the media dumbfounded when he announced he would raise minimum pay for all employees to at least $70,000 a year. The move drew the ire of his brother Lucas, who claimed that, as co-founder, the pay raise infringed upon his rights as a minority shareholder. But Price's unorthodox strategy has paid huge dividends for the company. Revenue and profits have doubled since, with customer retention rising from 91 to 95 percent. A few weeks after Price made the initial announcement, the company was barraged with over 4,000 resumes and saw a huge surge in customer inquiries. Price began giving out 20 percent annual raises to his staff after in 2011 after an employee complained over low pay. Thanks in part to a productivity increase of 30-40 percent, profit was still comparable to that of the prior year. He handed out the same raised the next year and achieved the same o...

You should move here...seriously.

As should I. I'm talking about Sweden. Why would anyone want to move there, you ask? According to CNNMoney, some Swedish firms are trimming the work week from 40 hours to only 30. And the results have been positive: Studies show that such a change has led to increased morale and productivity at said companies. It's apparent that these companies are employee-centric -- they recognize that these individuals' lives are enriched when they're given the opportunity to spend more time with friends and family or enjoy whatever hobbies they may have. The United States should really take note. U.S. employees work an average of approximately 47 hours per week. Is it any wonder so many of us in the states feel so stretched? It would also help if more U.S. firms jumped on the telecommuting bandwagon. If many of us were given the opportunity to work from home, we'd feel far less tired and financially strained. In fact, we'd save heaps of time and gas money. If...