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Showing posts with the label being a kid

How being a kid is like being a parent

Being a kid is similar to being a parent in that someone else usually dictates and/or influences many of the decisions you make . As a child, you answer to your parents and abide by their rules. As a parent, your spouse and kids exert a major influence on your choices. Either way, your flexibility is limited, as other people in your life play a chief role in your overall lifestyle. Things are markedly different in our late teens/early 20s, however, as we transition into young adulthood. For most people, the college years are the only time in our lives where we're responsible for -- and answer to -- no one but ourselves. I don't look back on my childhood fondly. My parents got divorced when I was only 3, and my father was extremely overprotective of me. Having to go from one house to another each week was not fun in the slightest. Middle school and high school were largely forgettable. College, on the other hand, afforded me the opportunity to reinvent myself. I reli...

Why being an adult beats being a kid

Many people say they wish they could go back to being a kid again. After all, what is there to worry about during those years other than homework and video games, right? I much prefer being an adult to being a child, though. Here are a few reasons why: No more childhood teasing or peer pressure . Though it can be argued that some people still behave like kids in workplace, kids tend to be a lot meaner and more immature. At work, people know better than to make complete fools of themselves, as their jobs are on the line. And it's fair to say the chances of being bullied for your lunch money are pretty much nil. There's nothing like freedom . You are free to do as you wish -- drink, date whoever you want, watch whatever shows tickle your fancy, and so on. Having no one tell you what to do anymore (outside of work) is a fantastic feeling. I also like being able to learn for learning's sake -- and not because a teacher tells me to do it. Whether you're interested in ...