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Showing posts with the label respectful

Something you've probably never heard before...

Every now and then, the word nerd in me comes out, prompting me to share unfamiliar, weird-sounding words with my readers. I am, after all, a writer by trade. Just recently I came upon one that called for dusting off the old dictionary (or, actually, running a quick Google search).  The word is genuflect, which means to be servilely respectful or deferential. In order words, one is so overly respectful as to command disrespect. They're putty in others' hands.  Synonyms include to pander and to fawn. While courtesy and respect should be expected of everyone, taking it to this extreme can actually be a liability, both in one's career and relationships. It sends the message you're willing to do virtually anything to secure their approval. Never be afraid to stand your ground. You need no one's validation to feel happy and complete. Don't genuflect; instead, be generous and genuine without allowing anyone to walk over or manipulate you!

Don't let others hurt your feelings

Over the years, people have told me that they wish they could free themselves of their own sensitivity, claiming it has led to deep heartache and hurt feelings. I told them that nixing their sensitive nature will only demonstrate one thing: That they are succumbing to the desires of others. If you've read several other of my posts, you'll know that a recurring theme on this blog is the concept of individuality , and how important it is that we hold on to the things that distinguish us from other people. By becoming the hardened, unemotional person others push you to be, you're just letting them win .  So what is one to do? Well, no one says you can't be sensitive and firm simultaneously. We can be kind, generous, and compassionate toward others without granting them the latitude to trample on our feelings. The key is to make clear that although you have a soft side, you are totally capable of summoning a bolder, no-nonsense version of yourself that won'...

Why some people try so hard to be liked

It goes without saying that some people show a stronger need for validation from society than others. Sure, I try to be friendly and respectful with everyone I come across. But that doesn't mean I am going to bend over backwards just to gain someone's favor. This is precisely what I see people at work and elsewhere try to do. It's obvious when someone is trying too hard to be liked by everyone around them. He or she seeks to do favors for no reason and finds any excuse to strike up or butt into conversations. Feeling left out or ignored is their single biggest fear. The ones I respect the most are those who can remain friendly and respectful toward others without resorting to pretentiousness. In reality, virtually everything we do can be construed as selfish. If we do favors for the sole purpose of currying people's favor, then it shows that we care a great deal about how/what people think of us. I don't care so much about being liked as I do being regarde...