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Showing posts with the label highs and lows

Don't get desperate to be in a relationship

Have you ever felt desperate to jump into a relationship -- whether out of fear of loneliness, pressure from peers or family members, or merely to have someone around for special occasions like Christmas and Valentine's Day? I can understand the yearning to have someone at your side, experiencing the highs and lows of life with you. Having a partner can offer myriad benefits. It's great to have a shoulder to lean on/ear to listen to you on those really tough days, just as it is to have a partner to share in your successes. Assuming one has a wonderful partner who goes out of his or her way to make them happy, a companion can undoubtedly be a blessing. But no one should jump into a relationship unless/until they feel the time is right. Your friends may try to hook you up with an acquaintance whom you don't necessarily deem attractive or your type. Maybe you're talking to a guy online who wants to move a little faster than you feel is appropriate. Always let...

THIS is the real meaning of a relationship

Many people seem rather confused as to the definition of a relationship. No, it isn't when two soulmates come together. It isn't about having another person "complete" your life. Such definitions are far too simplistic, ignoring the hard truth that -- as with everything else -- relationships take work and have their downsides. A true relationship is one between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on one another.  I would go so far as to say that you can't call it a relationship until both people have been through ups and downs together. In reality, you don't know a person as well as you think you might until you've seen them in a trying situation. At the first sign of trouble, some people bail cravenly -- without warning. And relationships aren't all about hugs, kisses, and butterflies. That may be so in the very beginning, during the so-called honeymoon stage, but eventually the relationship matures and both people have to face the mu...

Look in the mirror and you'll see this...

Look in the mirror and you'll see the person ultimately responsible for your happiness -- yourself . It's a shame that so many people I talk to are quick to mention other people when asked what exerts the biggest influence on their happiness. Yes, some people bring us great joy -- our parents, spouse, children, closest friends -- but they should not bear the responsibility of making you happy all the time. Parents grow old, our spouses have their own issues to worry about, our children grow up eventually, and our friends can always drift away from us. No one has your best interests at heart more than yourself. No one confides in you more than yourself. No one experiences the highs and lows in your life like you do. Happiness shouldn't depend on how people treat you or what they think of you. In fact, in my view, you can't love others unless and until you love yourself first. We all want to feel loved and accepted by others. Great social relationships, in and...