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Showing posts with the label mystery

Relationships: The gift of missing someone

Once you've been in a relationship for a while, there's a good chance things will start to become routine. You'll spend an inordinate amount of time together, leading to complacency in the relationship. Unfortunately, couples who are attached at the hip risk growing bored of one another. It happens more often than you think. So what can do to avoid this fate? Before you got into your relationship, you had a life of your own right? Well, that doesn't have to change once you become involved with someone. The two of you have separate hobbies -- from sports to mall hopping -- that you can enjoy alone or with friends. Have a boys' or girls' night, with only your close buddies in attendance. Your partner does not have to accompany you everywhere you go. Leave a little mystery. You shouldn't be able to predict each other's every move. Spending hours apart here and there affords both of you the opportunity to miss each other. It builds anticipati...

One BIG dating mistake people make

One of the biggest mistakes people can make when dating is disclosing too early how they feel about the other person. Here are a few examples: Saying "I love you" after only a couple of dates Pouring out one's soul about their feelings after a short period of time Giving the person compliments that both people know are undeserved  Whether you feel this strongly about the person or not, it's never wise to tip your hand so early in the game. Why? Well, where's the mystery in that? All those things that lead to a full-fledged relationship -- attraction, feelings, love -- take time to build. Nature has to take its course; things can't be forced or rushed.  When a person professes his love after one or two dates, it reeks of desperation and can lead his date to question his motives.  There's something to be said for leaving the other person guessing, at least in the very beginning. A bit of mystery creates intrigue and leaves the other y...

Something people need to STOP doing

I have a coworker who literally announces whenever he has to go to the bathroom. Another person I work with always voices when she is hungry. Still another coworker -- as soon as the clock strikes 12:30 -- verbalizes in advance that she is going to lunch. Why must people put everything on the table?  Are some individuals so narcissistic these days as to assume that others need to know everything they're thinking, doing, and planning? Something that has seemingly gotten lost on these folks is the art of mystery. One of the things I find so unsettling about the workplace is that these kinds of scenarios play out on a daily basis. And given how closely packed together cubicles are becoming to accommodate an ever-increasing number of employees, it's an inescapable reality. I think the reason people are this way is because, put simply, they're attention hounds. They're anything but self-contained. They're constantly looking for validation from others. They ne...