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Showing posts with the label hardships

Relationships are never perfect

Just as people are not infallible, relationships can never be perfect. Still, people should strive to be the best versions of themselves that they could possibly be. When you enter into a relationship with someone, you concede that it's not just about you anymore. Selfishness and egoism must be checked at the door. There will be times where the two of you bitterly disagree about certain things. You'll endure hardships along the way that will surely test your mettle as a couple. No matter how much time and effort you invest in the relationship, there will always be imperfections. No matter how much you wish your partner were neater, she may always be messy.  Perhaps you'd prefer if your boyfriend were more romantic, athletic, or bookish, but you've come to realize it'll never happen. There are aspects of our partner's personality we probably wish we could change -- even if we never say so aloud. But part of being with someone is accepting them...

Don't give up your power!

We give up our power when we become convinced we don't have any. What power, you ask? While we may not be able to control everything that happens to us, we have the power to shape what comes after that. In other words, we can control what we do with what happens to us. Though it may seem difficult at times, we should try to look at hardships and challenges in a positive light. Notice how we emerge stronger after overcoming obstacles life throws our way, and are better able to navigate future ones. We should never take a defeatist attitude in life. Getting down on yourself won't solve anything. Instead, believe in the power within you to shape your own destiny. If you want to effect change, let your voice be heard. It doesn't mean you'll get what you want every time, but you will at least have tried. Imagine if people who changed the course of history -- George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, and Martin Luther King Jr. among th...

Why are we so hung up on New Year's resolutions?

Ah, there's nothing like the start of a new year, right? It's an opportunity to start anew. A clean slate. A chance to strive for greatness yet again. Research suggests that, generally speaking, people don't come around to meeting -- and, in some cases, even working toward -- their New Year's resolutions. Why is it that we place such a great emphasis on pressing the reset button on January 1 and becoming a better version of ourselves when, in most cases, we fall short? I surmise that we do it for the following reason: Life is nothing short of unpredictable, and we truly don't know what may lie ahead in the coming year. Thus, making New Year's resolutions give us the sense that we're at least partly in control of our lives. We first look at our shortcomings and the toughest challenges we faced in the outgoing year and convince ourselves that, with a little time and effort, we can triumph over even the longest odds. For example, let's say you l...