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Showing posts with the label independence

10 Facts You Don't Know About the 4th of July

When most people think of the 4th of July , everything from fireworks and the colors red, white, and blue to barbecues and the beach immediately pop to mind. Even if you're not a history buff, you probably know that it is today we commemorate the signing in of the Declaration of Independence, which took place July 4, 1776 . But there are several little-known facts about the famous holiday that you probably never learned in school. Here is a small sampling of them: 1. Only two individuals actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4 : John Hancock, who is best known for his large and elaborate signature on the document, and Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress. Most of the others didn't sign it until August 2. 2. Not everyone agreed with celebrating the country's independence on July 4 , the day Congress approved the Declaration. John Adams, who would go on to become the second President of the United States, wished to celebrate ...

Why being an adult beats being a kid

Many people say they wish they could go back to being a kid again. After all, what is there to worry about during those years other than homework and video games, right? I much prefer being an adult to being a child, though. Here are a few reasons why: No more childhood teasing or peer pressure . Though it can be argued that some people still behave like kids in workplace, kids tend to be a lot meaner and more immature. At work, people know better than to make complete fools of themselves, as their jobs are on the line. And it's fair to say the chances of being bullied for your lunch money are pretty much nil. There's nothing like freedom . You are free to do as you wish -- drink, date whoever you want, watch whatever shows tickle your fancy, and so on. Having no one tell you what to do anymore (outside of work) is a fantastic feeling. I also like being able to learn for learning's sake -- and not because a teacher tells me to do it. Whether you're interested in ...

Why you may or may not miss high school/college

Our high school/college days seem well behind us, don't they? There are certainly things most us might miss about that time of our lives, including: Having a busier social life than we do now: People go in different directions after high school, causing us to lose contact with many of our closest friends. And though we may be able to keep in touch with a few, things are never quite the same. Proximity plays a huge role when it comes to friendships. It was so much easier to maintain them when you knew you'd see your buddies every day in gym class or Home Ec. Once you graduate from college and have bills, work, and other priorities to worry about, an active social life no longer takes precedence. Once we hit our 30s and 40s, we can consider ourselves lucky if we have three people we can call true friends. Being closer to family members: For most of us, our high school years comprise the last stretch in which we'll ever live at home with our parents. While living at ho...