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Showing posts with the label jeopardy

Never make excuses for someone who mistreats you

Whether it's a cheating spouse, a friend who takes you for granted, or a coworker who stabs you in the back whenever you're not present, no one should make excuses for another person's unsavory behavior. If the person is making a genuine effort to clean up their act, that's one thing. But if they pledge they're going to change, and yet you catch them pulling the same stunts over and over again, they're making a mockery of your compassion. At that point, you have to decide whether to continue giving them the benefit of the doubt, or calling it quits once and for all. It isn't as easy to walk when you're dealing with a coworker and you wish to keep your job. In that case, you may consider asking for a transfer or moving to a cubicle further away from the individual. You might also think twice about ending the friendship if you each have mutual friends. You may worry that he or she will talk smack to the others about you (if they haven't alr...

Why it's bad to be a lazy thinker

Between work, kids, household chores, and other responsibilities, many of us are left with depleted physical and mental resources at the end of the day. However, I've observed that even on weekends -- when we have more spare time to read, write, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally-stimulating activities -- many people still opt to do things that require minimal thinking, such as sifting through Facebook posts or binge-watching The Real Housewives of Potomac . Mind you, there's nothing wrong with these kinds of things. But while I'm all for giving the mind a rest at certain points throughout the day, I can't go more than a couple of hours without wanting to learn something new -- whether it's the meaning of a word I came across in an article or about President Trump's latest economic proposals. I'm on a seemingly never-ending quest to expand my vocabulary and gain as much insight into the world -- and the human mind -- as I possibly can. I try m...

Overthinking leads to THIS

Is thinking too much a bad thing? Not when it concerns studying for a big exam, working on an intellectually grueling project at work, or playing brain games like Scrabble and Jeopardy. But it can serve as a hindrance when it comes to making decisions.  Carefully thinking through your choices is one thing. Spending so much time mulling things over as to not make any kind of decision is another. Overthinking breeds inaction. You can't put off decisions that involve your personal and professional forever.  Any action is better than inaction. And choosing not to act isn't a decision.  I'll be the first to admit that making a life-altering decision is anything but simple.  Switching jobs, getting married to someone we've only known for weeks, moving to another city -- these are all leaps of faith, and we really don't know whether such decisions will pan out.  Because of the risk involved, it's no surprise people balk. They think, th...

Want a happier life? Ignore society!

It’s no secret that society tries to dictate how we ought to live our lives – whether it’s the number of kids we should have, the kinds of people we should date, or the types of professions we should be in. What’s more, we often feel pressured by friends, coworkers, and relatives alike to follow a certain path – one that they themselves took (which may or may not have turned out favorably for them), or one that simply makes sense to them since “it’s what most people would do.”  Though they mean well, those closest to us don’t always have an answer to the grand question:  How can we be happier in our lives?  Read on to learn why heeding others’ suggestions isn’t always the surefire prescription to a happier life – and how looking deep within yourself and following your gut is a better road to take.  - Society says that, as a man, I should have an affinity for cars and tools.  In actuality, I’m into reading, writing and learning. - Society says that I shoul...