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Showing posts with the label politicians

Do you agree with this quote?

There's a quote I saw somewhere a few years ago that has stayed firmly embedded in memory: "To the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world." Think about it. There are roughly 7 to 7.5 billion people on earth. Unless you're Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Kim Kardashian, or some other famous politician or celebrity, you -- like me -- are merely a speck of matter on this vast, overpopulated planet. Luckily, each and every one of us has a special place in someone's heart. We're all the center of someone's universe, whether it's that of our kids, partner, friends, or all of the above. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be loved by a few people and remain largely obscure to the general population than be in the shoes of celebrities and politicians, many of whom are reviled by people from all corners of the world. There's a reason why people go through an intense grieving process when they lose...

One thing we can all admire about politicians

For all their lies and unscrupulous behavior, politicians have one thing going for them: They can give kick-ass speeches and are quick on their feet during interviews and debates. Some of the questions asked of the candidates are pretty tough, and with good reason. We want to elect the person who's best suited to be commander-in-chief. And when asked to address criticisms leveled at them, they sure as hell better have a good, quick answer. In order to do this, they have to demonstrate a firm understanding of the Constitution, not to mention deep knowledge of laws, policies, and their opponents' positions. Their experience in law and public office have no doubt prepared them for the national spotlight. They're also expected to project confidence before a live audience and with millions more tuning in via television, radio, and the internet. Needless to say, the whole world is scrutinizing your every word. As much as we may disagree with what these people have to sa...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose impressive resume includes everything from Founding Father of the United States and printer to author, scientist, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin This one is a lot easier to decipher than prior quotes I've featured on the blog. Perhaps Franklin's quote predated a similar one we've come to know quite well: "Actions speak louder than words." I couldn't agree more with Franklin, and he would know this better than most as he himself worked in the political arena. We all have stories of encountering politicians or salesmen great at schmoozing with the public but once you try to dig deeper you're hard-pressed to find anything profound. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. They fail to back up their words with concrete steps toward achieving whatever it is they've promised. Very rarely do I ever take someon...

What does this quote mean to YOU?

Today's quote comes from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), whose work runs the gamut from Founding Father of the United States to accomplished author, printer, inventor, statesman, and diplomat. "Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning." - Benjamin Franklin I feel that this is an 18th century variant of an oft-repeated quote we've come to know quite well: "actions speak louder than words." I think this quote is especially timely in this politically-charged time we live in. Presidential candidates on both sides of the aisle -- like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson -- are promising to effect sweeping changes should they come out the victor. It remains to be seen, however, whether they truly live up to their words. The American people are cognizant of the fact that politicians will say anything to procure votes, and that paying lip service is just part of the game. But the quote's relevance extends beyond the world of politi...

Celebrities, politicians: Are their screw-ups staged?

Gradually, I've become only more convinced that gaffes made by politicians and celebrities -- from Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande to Donald Trump -- are planned for one sole purpose: to garner as much publicity as they can possibly get. The conventional wisdom in Hollywood and the political arena seems to be that any attention is better than no attention. We are assailed by so much information on a daily basis -- advertisements, videos, social media content -- that these people figure the only way to grab our attention is to stir up a little drama and controversy. It's well-documented that the stories that garner the highest ratings are those that tend toward the negative. There's something about murders, sex scandals, and celebrities throwing shade at each other that keeps many people coming back for more. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Donald Trump's surging in the polls following controversial remarks he made about Mexicans, or that the doughnut shop where...

How to Understand People: Is geek the new chic?

Remember back in the day when glasses with thick black frames were considered trendy only if you were a senior citizen? Things sure have changed. Nowadays, you see everyone wearing them, from professors and rappers to politicians and news anchors. I own a pair myself, which I purchased about five years ago. I've also noticed that many of these very individuals sport what's traditionally considered "preppy" clothes, including argyle sweaters and cardigans. Has geek become the new chic? Why is the librarian look suddenly in fashion? I've always told my wife, who has dressed in preppy clothes and worn black-framed glasses since we first started dating in 2005, that I find the librarian look on women to be very attractive. It makes a woman look smarter and thus twice as sexy, at least in my book. I embraced the preppy look well before this looking-nerdy-is-cool craze took hold. I feel it's the right look for me because I'm a writer and bookworm, an...