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Showing posts with the label calling

Don't let people have their cake and eat it too

If there's something about me that has never once changed over the years, it's this: I despise being thwarted for something I want from someone, and then seeing the person come around when they feel like -- acting as if nothing happened. It's a classic case of having their cake and eating it too. I've gone through this on several occasions with different friends. They may disappear for weeks, never bothering to answer or return my calls. Then, out of the blue, they decide to awaken from their slumber and reestablish contact, and I'm supposed to act like all is swell. I don't think so! And their excuses have bordered on the ludicrous, saying that they've been stressed or that they keep forgetting to respond. It's ironic how once I see them showing interest again (e.g., calling and texting), it is then I go into "payback" mode and call them at my convenience, not necessarily when they attempt to reach out to me. And here's an exam...

Working for money vs. passion

Some people are driven solely by the prospect of making tons of money, while others care more about doing something that leaves them feeling like they've made a difference in the world, even if it pays poorly. We tend to picture entrepreneurs in the former group and people who work for charitable organizations in the latter. Finding jobs that are both fulfilling and offer great salaries are out there, but aren't always easy to find. Take education, for instance. I think we would all agree that teachers are mostly passionate about their jobs, but deserve to be paid far better. I knew from an early age that writing was my calling and I was intent on working in a field or job that, in some capacity, allowed me to write and handle verbage -- whether as a writer, editor, or proofreader. Is it the best-paying career in the world? Far from it. Do I picture myself doing anything else? Nope. We need to strike a balance between finding something we enjoy doing and work that will al...