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Showing posts with the label scott disick

You won't believe who Kourtney Kardashian is dating...

Kourtney Kardashian is reportedly dating none other than Canadian pop heartthrob Justin Bieber. At 36 years of age, Kourtney is the oldest of the so-called Kardashian clan. Bieber is 21, making him 15 years her junior. Kourtney only recently broke up with Scott Disick, with whom she has two children. If it's true these two are together, it'd be interesting to see what has unleashed the "cougar" in her. I presume that she's on the rebound and not looking for anything too serious right now. When you're in her situation, you are willing to settle for anyone who will help take your mind off your personal issues. I can see how she found potential in Bieber -- young, fun, and always with a smile on his face. For his part, he is probably not looking for anything substantive either. Does this have the makings of a fairytale romance? I doubt it. It's probably just another case of the media blowing a Kardashians story out of proportion. In sum, don't be ...