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Showing posts with the label therapist

You shouldn't support a friend when...

You shouldn't support a friend's every decision -- not when it involves their engaging in self-destructive behavior. That can range from doing drugs or stealing to cutting themselves. They say friends back each other up through thick and thin, but "backing up" doesn't mean endorsing the person's behavior if they're a danger to themselves or others. In such cases, you should get them the help they need to abandon such habits -- from family, other friends, neighbors, colleagues, a therapist, and so forth. By keeping your mouth shut and allowing your friend to continue such acts, you're enabling them. It makes you an accomplice who's every bit as guilty as your friend, even if you're not engaging in the same behavior. If you know they're doing things that can get them in serious trouble with the law and/or harm their well-being, try to convince them to stop. If that doesn't work, get the person's loved ones involved. When no ...

Does being mad or depressed make you want to spend money?

Does being upset or melancholy give you the urge to splurge? A new study reveals that more people fall victim to this pattern than they realize or care to admit. People don't realize that trying to drown their sorrows by shelling out thousands of dollars for a designer handbag or luxurious watch can have adverse effects. Ironically, spending lavishly on material goods doesn't overcome feelings of, say, anger or low self esteem -- it compounds them! The elation one feels after buying an item is fleeting. Sooner or later, you'll grow accustomed to the product, get bored by it, or feel the impulse to buy that next-best-thing. You'll never feel totally happy, and this will in turn amplify your despair. Here are two alternatives that I feel will work a lot better: 1. Rely on experiences rather than tangible products -- Studies have shown that experiences ultimately bring us a lot more happiness than tangible items do. Whether it's a trip to the local museum o...