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Showing posts with the label reinforcement

Why many are sick and tired of Facebook

If you're like me, you've noticed many of your Facebook friends (or acquaintances, or people you've known since kindergarten but seldom talk to, or those who might be friends of friends of friends) fleeing the platform like it's no one's business.  But why the exodus?  It's quite simple: People have grown tired of the same old same old.  Many would concede there are benefits to logging on every so often -- from catching timely news to distracting oneself with trending memes or videos of the week. But being barraged with baby pictures and vacation photos for days on end becomes a little tough to stomach after a while.  Granted, some people mean no harm in sharing these special moments with others. It's their way of conveying to the world that they're making the most of their lives and are grateful for the things and people that enrich them. We should try our best to be happy for them, even if we may harbor a smidgen of concealed envy.  However, people und...

Are people on Facebook as happy as they seem?

Judging from the content of some people's Facebook posts and how frequently I see them come up on my Wall, it would seem that they have the perfect life. For example, a girl I've known since elementary school, who has two kids from different fathers, posts almost every day that she LOVES her new boyfriend. Then there are those women who engage in what I like to call "child worship." They post an endless barrage of baby pictures with such captions as "my happy family." I'm not saying there's anything wrong with these types of posts, or that people are never being truthful in them, but why must they disseminate them so often? Call me crazy, but when someone has to come out and say "I'm happy, look at me" several times each week, it smells of pretentiousness and leads me to think they're anything but. I know that parents have it rough the first five or so years of a child's life, but what good would posts detailing their ...