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Showing posts with the label look forward to

The secret to keeping your life exciting is...

Want to know the secret to keeping your life exciting? It's not much of a secret at all when you think about it. It's just that people are unwilling to invest the effort required. The secret to keeping your life lies in avoiding or breaking something that begins with an "r" and ends in an "e." Can you guess what that word is? If you said "routine," you're absolutely right. Nothing sucks the fun out of life quite like routine does. Granted, there are some routines we can't do away with -- reporting for work at 9 a.m. sharp, taking Suzy to ballet class every Saturday afternoon, vising the dentist every couple of months -- but there's no reason for your life to be scripted entirely. Feeling as though you're running on autopilot all the time is the surest way to feeling bored. Whatever routines we have should be interspersed with new experiences. Visit a new state or country. Take up a new hobby. Try out a restaurant you'v...

Don't stop believing -- and dreaming!

Remember "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey? What an inspiring song. There's no question that we should never cease believing in ourselves. If you don't believe in yourself, you won't make it very far in a world that constantly throws obstacles our way. Life is difficult -- and it demands that we remain strong and persistent in the face of tough challenges. Beyond that, no one should stop dreaming, or reaching for new heights. What good is believing in yourself if you have no dreams to shoot for? Aspiring to bigger and better things -- whether it be parenthood, owning a business, or buying a home -- gives us another reason to wake up in the morning. It gives us something to look forward to. I frequently hear others say their lives are dull, prompting them to reminisce about "bygone days." I'm here to tell you that your best days are not behind you; they lie on the horizon. However, you have to do your part to make that come to ...

Here's the secret to a GREAT life...

Many of us often complain of our lives being boring and routine. Every day seems to be a carbon copy of the last. There just isn't anything exciting going on. You probe into why your life seems so mundane but can't seem to come up with a definitive answer. Well, I'm here to tell you what exactly causes you to to get in such a rut. Ready? More likely than not, the reason your life seems so vanilla is because you're not giving yourself enough things to look forward to. There's really nothing more exciting than anticipating and readying ourselves for an event or change. Just last night, my wife and I booked a flight to Boston. We plan to stay there for a week next month, and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I'm greatly looking forward to soaking up all the history the city has to offer. Among the items on my tentative itinerary are the Freedom Trail, Fenway Park, and Harvard. Honestly, I had been feeling that my life needed something of a boost of l...