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Showing posts with the label sports illustrated

This "plus-size" model made history

Here's an interesting story making the rounds on the internet: a woman named Ashley Graham became the first size-16 model to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue. What struck me when I Googled the busty Graham is that she looks pretty average-looking as far as size goes. That they would label her "plus-size" is beyond ridiculous. To me, she looks healthy. If a woman with her physique were spotted on the street, I seriously doubt she'd be deemed a big girl, at least not by the vast majority of onlookers. But, of course, the standards are different in the world of entertainment. I'm glad to see that the bony, emaciated look is finally beginning to lose its appeal. Let's not forget that, a few centuries back, plump women were actually considered more physically attractive than their skinnier peers. How did things change so radically? While I believe thin will always be "in," it's apparent that having a little more meat on...

And the hottest celebrities in the world are....

I know this is largely subjective, but I wanted to see who you deem to be the most attractive celebrity in your country -- or, in the world for that matter. I am not gay, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I think Ryan Reynolds, who's starred in such popular films as "Safe House" and "Woman in Gold," is probably one of the best looking actors in the world of entertainment today. The guy has boyish charm, a great physique, and a sharp fashion sense. Now, as for who wins the top prize for female eye candy in Hollywood, most men probably think of bombshells like Pamela Anderson (well, maybe back when she was in her prime) and Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds' ex-girlfriend. The women I have in mind, though, are probably unknowns to most people: Paula Patton: Formerly married to Robin Thicke, Patton has been featured in People magazine's list of the world's most beautiful people.  Kate Upton: This Sports Illustrated swimsuit model has appea...