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Showing posts with the label achieving goals

Life isn't perfect, but it is definitely THIS

While life isn't perfect, it is definitely what we make of it . Stop for a second and think about what that really means. How do we really make the most of our lives? Simply put, we recognize that although things won't always go our way, we refuse to let bumps in the road stop us from reaching our ultimate destination: happiness. People will disappoint us (and often such people will include ourselves). Crappy days at work are a certainty. We may run into financial and health problems here and there. And we're likely to see a venture or two fall through (e.g., launching a new business doesn't work out). But life isn't about what happens to you. It's what you do with what happens to you. In other words, we may not be able to control unfolding events, but we can control how we respond to them. Do you allow setbacks to knock you off course? Or do you use them as catalysts for achieving your goals? Do you let one obnoxious person ruin your day? Or do ...

Don't let other people stop you

Don't let other people stop you from achieving your goals. Don't let other people stop you from fulfilling your potential. Don't let others stop you from doing whatever makes you happy. Don't let others stop you from crying, venting, or defending yourself when you need to. Do whatever your gut tells you to do. Others may not like it, but it's your life. No one knows you like you know yourself, so they have absolutely no right to dictate your choices for you. You may be worried that leaving your job for another will inconvenience your boss. You may be concerned that breaking up with your boyfriend, even if you know in your heart that it's the right thing to, will hurt him, so you hold back. You might be skittish about buying the house down the street rather than the one on the next block that your doting aunt recommended. Guess what? It isn't even about other people. You have the power to make decisions in your life without others' conse...

Farewell to March, Hello April

Can you believe it? One quarter of the year is in the books! Whether you thought March was a productive month or an inefficient one -- thirty-one days of ample highs or far too many lows -- it's time to press the reset button and look forward to bigger and better things in April. Perhaps you're aiming to lose weight, start your own business, travel to a new destination, or learn a new language. No matter your goals, April presents a fresh opportunity to pursue them with renewed vigor. Some people say it's ridiculous to see the first day of the month as affording an opportunity to start anew, but I find that, mentally, it is advantageous, especially if you had a rough go in the waning days of the prior month. Sometimes the mere thought that the last month is behind us -- that a new month brings new promise -- puts us in a positive frame of mind, fueling us with increased energy and ambition. This month, I aim to read more, write more, and smile more than I did in...