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Showing posts with the label uncomfortable

Why you should never change for other people

Do you embrace your uniqueness? Do you like the fact that you have quirks, talents, and convictions that set you apart from your peers? Do you take pride in the fact that there can never be another you ? If so, the last thing you should allow is for other people to change you. I mean, really...who are they to dictate how you should think and act? Are you not a grown adult capable of making your own decisions? As I've stressed in several other posts, people will try to goad you into changing for a variety of reasons: There's something about you that's a little different, and that makes them feel uncomfortable and insecure. They subscribe to the herd mentality, believing everyone in their immediate circle should share exactly the same beliefs, habits, goals, etc. They secretly envy you: Rather than celebrate your good qualities, they'd rather see you lose them; instead of cheering your successes, they take delight in your failures.  Indeed, certain people we...

Does total silence make you uncomfortable?

I've had several people -- within the last month, actually -- tell me that being somewhere in utter silence makes them uneasy. It doesn't matter whether they're lying in bed, sitting in their car, or studying in the library. Some people can't stand complete silence, and it isn't long before they feel compelled to reach for their phone, a TV remote, or their cell phone to break the quietness. Frankly, this has me rather baffled to say the least. After being assaulted by the chatter of nosy co-workers all day at work, driving home with the radio off offers a welcome reprieve, as does holing up in a quiet room at home. Here are a few reasons people give for their aversion to overly quiet environments: They "hate to hear themselves think" When it's too quiet, they feel lonely They get bored They're just not used to that much silence Personally, being in a quiet setting helps me regain my energy. Too much noise and commotion stress me out, ...

Reasons why we can feel weird around others

We've all been in situations where we feel totally out of our element, and this can happen for a number of reasons. At some point you've likely felt out of place because the people around you: Were lot older or younger than you All had kids while you don't, or vice-versa Were of the opposite sex Were all discussing something you had no knowledge of or interest in (sports, shopping, etc.) These situations generally play out in certain settings. It can happen quite often at work, since many of the people with which we're forced to work -- whether because of age, life stage, or other factors -- would not be the kinds of people we'd hang out with on weekends.  It can also be seen at family gatherings. When my sisters and I were younger, I had a lot more in common with them -- and we even shared some of the same hobbies. Their having babies threw a monkey wrench of sorts into the works. Now I see them as strangers who focus solely on their kids at every ga...