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Showing posts with the label bad boys

Do ALL women fall for bad boys?

In my last post, I argued that men's biggest complaint about women is that they generally don't know what they want in the arena of relationships. Some claim to want a nice, sweet guy, but they still end up with the exact opposite. What they say they want and what they actually go for don't always square. Does this mean that all women have a preference for bad boys? Nope, not at all. What all women do want, as I pointed out in that earlier post, is a man with confidence. Because these bad boy types exude self-confidence (sometimes women mistake cockiness for confidence, however), women find themselves drawn to them. A guy can still be nice and romantic as long as he does it in small doses. No woman wants a man to worship the ground she walks on, as it communicates that the guy is needy and trying to supplicate to her. That just isn't the way to build attraction. A guy who doesn't seem sure of himself and always looks to his partner for approval is not do...

Here's why we want what we CAN'T have

Ever longed for a material good – be it a shiny sports car, luxurious watch, or posh pair of jeans – only to lose virtually all interest in it once the product is in your possession?  Have you rejected the advances of a potential suitor – one who literally worships the floor you walk on – in hopes of attracting someone who has no romantic feelings toward you? Even after landing a seemingly perfect job, have you  found yourself looking for “the next best opportunity” just a year or two later?  There’s no question we’ve all been there. But what many people fail to realize is that the journey tends to bring us greater satisfaction than the actual destination. The struggle to obtain our object of desire – that sense of being on the edge of our seat – seems to provide a higher level of excitement than the recognition that we have that object in our grasp. For example, most people (myself included) spend the work week yearning for the weekend to get here. Over the cour...

MUST-READ: Something that many women never shake off...

Many women admit to having been drawn to bad boys in their youth. They claim that they found their hyper-masculinity and self-confidence almost irresistible. Unfortunately, nice guys with good intentions were kicked to the curb, left scratching their heads over what they did wrong. These same women say that they outgrew this phase as the desire for marriage, children, and overall stability crept in. So here's the central question: Do women truly get over this love of bad boys, even when they're older? I think that women eventually stop pursuing such men, but that doesn't mean they don't want to see a little "bad boy" in their partners at least once in a while. In my view, women want their men to have some of the qualities commonly associated with bad boys, such as: Self-confidence Standing up for what he believes in, even if that means arguing to prove his point Getting fired up for a cause about which he's passionate Being aggressive and tak...

Women: Did you ever fall for bad boys?

Did you ever fall into the bad boys trap? Why is it that some women fall for jerks rather than for guys who treat them with respect? Do these girls have little to no respect for themselves? Deep down, do they feel that they don't deserve for someone to treat them well? I think that girls who do this have been burned in the past, get hung up on trying to "change" the guy, or find him much more exciting than the predictable and sappy nice guy. I think it also speaks to their emotional maturity -- or lack thereof. While most of these girls are able to shake off this so-called bad boy syndrome, others struggle with it even into their adult years. Trying to change a bad boy or jerk is an exercise in futility. While some people do change for the better as they age, others don't change at all, or worse -- they change for the worst. Bad boys emit what many girls perceive as self-confidence, but little do they know that it's all a front. In actuality, these guy...