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Showing posts with the label mark zuckerberg

You won't believe how RICH these men are...

An article published recently by CNN reveals that eight men -- Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Ellison, and Amancio Ortega -- are insanely rich. Collectively, they're worth $426 billion, now controlling as much wealth as the world's poorest 3.6 billion people. To put it in perspective, the richest 1% has owned more wealth than the rest of the planet since 2015. In the U.S., the richest 1% control 42% of the wealth. And the problem is only getting worse. . Despite many world leaders sharing a common goal to reduce inequality, the gap between the rich and the rest continues to widen. In fact, seven out of 10 people live in a country where inequality has worsened over the past three decades. And over the past 25 years, the top 1% has gained more income than the bottom 50% combined. In other words, income and wealth are being funneled upwards at a staggering rate -- rather than trickling down. To boot, the...

Kim Kardashian or Caitlyn Jenner: Person of the Year?

Really? Is this what the world's come to? Sources say that TIME Magazine is asking readers whether Kim Kardashian or Caitlyn Jenner should be chosen as the publication's person of the year. Among the other names being floated around are Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Donald Trump, technology gurus Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg, and actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Viola Davis. That a respected magazine like TIME would even consider Kardashian and Jenner for the coveted issue is beyond comprehension. What have these people done to be deemed worthy of the honor? All Kim is known for is stirring up family drama and getting naked. In Jenner's case, the former Olympic champion revealed to the world her sex change, which garnered extensive media coverage earlier in the year. Why doesn't TIME feature those who are truly deserving, like one of our brave men or women in uniform, someone who devotes his life to helping charities, and so on? Instead, we'...