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Showing posts with the label praise

How comparing ourselves to others is harmful

Many people I talk to (including some of my readers) have a tendency to compare their lives to those of the people around them. I encourage them against slipping into such a mental trap, which may potentially lead to resentment and, if such feelings spiral out of control, depression down the road. I advise them to stop for a moment and consider that the people they're comparing themselves to: Have a completely different path in life Have disparate goals, dreams, and personalities May be facing battles they know nothing about  May not be happy, even if they may appear so on the surface There's a difference between looking up to someone and wishing to emulate them (e.g. wanting to be accomplished like they arr because they've risen to the top of their profession), and lamenting the fact that your life isn't exactly like theirs. Let's assume you're in a troublesome relationship. After a bitter argument with your wife, you walk out to the yard and...

When people act like they're better than you...

When people act like they're above you, should you respond in kind? Should you do to them what they're doing to you? Absolutely not, as that would be stooping to their level. Instead, the best way to respond to these haughty people is by being better today than the person you were yesterday . In other words, rather than pretending to be better than others, demonstrate to these very people that you are continually outdoing  yourself . That's sure to get them even more riled up. The way I see it, if someone is going around boasting of their toys or accomplishments -- to the point they're deliberately trying to throw it in your face -- it communicates one thing: You pose a threat to them. You give them competition, and they're out to best you. Perhaps there's even something you possess or have achieved that they're envious of. But don't give in. That's what they want -- an all-out competition to prove they're smarter or more accomplished...

Many people don't feel good about themselves unless...

Many people don't feel good about themselves unless other people make them feel that way. They need others' validation in order to be happy and maintain high levels of self-esteem. This is most unfortunate. You should seek no one's approval but your own. The second your happiness hinges on what others say and feel about you, you've given them complete power over you. Why would you do that? What good does having others love you when you don't love yourself first? The bottom line is that no but you knows your true worth. No one will know or appreciate your talents, quirks, and innermost feelings like you will. Thus, true happiness comes from within. It begins with you . Sure, it always feels good to receive compliments from other people. But let's be realistic, folks: Those heaping us with praise can turn their backs on us at any moment. Yes, we need to maintain some semblance of a social life in order to live as well-adjusted individuals. But that ...