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Showing posts with the label mend fences

What to do when people fail to see your worth

A couple of readers I've corresponded with recently have lamented the fact that someone who means a great deal to them -- whether their partner, child, or friend -- is either giving them the cold shoulder or flat-out treating them like garbage. Both are on bad terms because of a misunderstanding or argument of some sort; still, they've done their part to try and mend fences, but such efforts have proven fruitless. Here's a quote I came across today that is quite apropos: "Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth."  Put simply, just because one person fails to recognize the immense value you bring to their life doesn't mean others will make the same costly mistake.  That one person's untoward behavior should not eclipse the high marks you receive from those who do appreciate you.  Many people have a tendency to harp on the negative; they can't bear the thought of someone not liking them.  ...

One of the most COWARDLY things people can do

One of the most cowardly things a person can do is to talk smack behind someone's back . Unfortunately, this has become all too common in virtually any context we can think of -- work, school, even at home. Let's stop for a moment and consider why someone might want to badmouth someone behind his or her back. In most cases, it's because the person is upset with or envious of the individual and wants to find a way to stick it to them without having an actual confrontation. Thus begin rumors and a lot of he-said-she-said, putting those in the middle -- the ones made to listen to the remarks in secret -- in a tough situation. Truthfully, talking behind someone's back has a juvenile quality to it. Why not act like adults and talk face to face? When people's emotions get the best of them, they can act callously. Most people like drama to some degree -- otherwise, reality shows ranging from The Kardashians to The Real Housewives wouldn't have such a big fol...