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Showing posts with the label smell

Stores are trying to woo you with THIS...

When I went to the mall recently, I couldn't help but notice one thing as I ambled past several stores: The scents wafting from each of them. In particular, you would think Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch sell perfume rather than clothing; my olfactory nerves kick into overdrive anytime I'm in those stores checking out shirts and jeans. Retailers are going to great lengths to get consumers' attention. Think about all the stimuli as sailing our senses at a mall: myriad advertisements, people walking to and fro, the smell of mouth-watering pizza coming from the food court -- the list goes on. Thus, it comes as no surprise that companies are trying unorthodox strategies for getting into our heads -- and pockets -- not the least of which is pumping pleasant smells into their stores. It all factors into their efforts to create a welcoming atmosphere -- which may encompass everything from dim lighting to clutter-free aisles. Studies have found that consumers are twi...

Can perfume and cologne attract the opposite sex?

I don't think we need to consult a research study to conclude with certitude that the answer to this is clearly "yes." Of course, not all perfumes are created equal. Some are so strong as to seem intrusive, and it doesn't help when people are literally bathed in it. I receive nothing but high praise when I'm wearing what I deem to be the best of the best cologne, Armani Code. My wife, meanwhile, smells great when she puts on favorites like Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana, Guilty by Gucci, and Heavenly by Victoria's Secret. It's not to say that by wearing cologne or perfume, you'll attract potential suitors like magnets. Emitting a pleasant smell is just a small part of the package you offer a potential love interest. Your hygiene, style of dress, intelligence, self-confidence, and value system and other physical and personal attributes figure prominently as well. If anything, wearing cologne shows that you care about the smell you're gi...

CAN'T MISS: How our senses influence our purchases

It's no secret that our five senses -- sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound -- exert a powerful influence on our everyday purchase decisions. Such is the argument made by Martin Lindstrom in "Brand Sense," which stresses that retailers that deliver a multi-sensory experience achieve greater sales and higher levels of brand awareness in the minds of customers. Here are a few findings that illustrate how important it is for companies to appeal to consumers' senses to shape their behavior: In a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research , Ronald E. Millman showed that the pace of music playing in the background of restaurants and stores had a considerable effect on spending, traffic flow, and service. The slower the music, the more people shop. The faster the music, the less money people fork over. Related studies have demonstrated that the slower the music at restaurants, the longer people stay wining and dining. In fact, the average bill for diners was 2...

Interesting finding about women and cars

I'm currently reading a book titled "Brand Sense" by Martin Lindstrom. Once I finish the book, I will post an entry highlighting the many interesting insights I gleaned from the book. In the interim, though, I wanted to share one of the most interesting findings I've come across in the book thus far, and it relates to women and cars. Did you know that women respond more to the feel and texture of a car's interior than they do to its external features? I couldn't help but compare this to the manner in which women supposedly become attracted to a man. We've all heard it time and time again: That women are mostly attracted to what's inside -- they don't get as hung up on looks as men do. (Meanwhile, men do seem to make a bigger fuss about a car's exterior features -- from rims to the grille.) As it turns out, women place a great deal of importance on how the car smells (ah, nothing like that new car scent, right?), the feel of the upho...

Men or women: Find out who has better hygiene

I know that the answer to this question depends on a whole host of factors, including one's choice of career (lawyers will probably smell and look cleaner than construction workers), whether or not a person has children (parents to a newborn might have less time to shower), and so on. But a study conducted in 2007 by the University of Arizona found that women have three to four times as much bacteria on their personal belongings (desks, phones, keyboards, computers, etc.) as men do. This was attributed to the fact that women not only have more interactions with children, but they keep more food on or near their desks. I know the latter point to be true -- women have more of a tendency to snack at work than my male coworkers do. The other issue, per the study, is makeup. Hand lotions and cosmetics make prime germ-transfer agents. Women also tend to dig into their purses, picking up dust and germs in the process. The truth is that I've smelled body odor on both men and wome...

CAN'T MISS: What certain scents can lead you to do (and it's not good)

According to a study recently published in the Journal of Marketing, the smell of cinnamon can actually have an effect on your purchasing behavior! Per researchers, when a warm scent like cinnamon or vanilla fills a store, it can make you subsciously feel as though you're in close quarters. This, in turn, can lead you to feel inadequate, prompting you to purchase more expensive products to counter the sense of inadequacy. Who would have thought that scent alone could drive consumers to spend more? I'd imagine that this study has immense implications for companies that sell big-ticket items like televisions, laptops and cell phones, jewelry, and cars. It's kind of scary when you think about the lengths retailers go to to influence our purchasing decisions. From scents and food samples to colorful signs and unusual store layouts, these companies are doing everything they can to appeal to any one of our five senses. Once any of these cues captures our attention -- in a g...