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Showing posts with the label me time

It's better to be alone than in bad company

As George Washington, the first president of the United States, once said, " It is better to be alone than in bad company ." He of all people would know. He was constantly surrounded by them, from his days as general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution to his tenure as the nation's first commander in chief. Washington was touted as being a great judge of character. You can only imagine the tough personalities he had to deal with in public life. Though he was unanimously elected to two terms as president of the fledgling nation, he had no shortage of critics who were quick to pounce on policies  -- like the infamous Jay Treaty -- that they vehemently objected to. Washington had days where he probably felt the urge to tell his detractors to go fly a kite. Indeed, as the quote above suggests, he preferred his own company to that of certain people. For whatever reason, many people have been led to believe that enjoying their own company -- being a...

Do you prefer a fast-paced life or a slow, calmer one?

I may be in the minority here, but I aim to live as tranquil and simple a life as I possibly can. I remember reading about transcendentalists like Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson in school, both of whom stressed that true happiness lies only in simplicity and solitude. As I grew older, this resonated with me. While others around me have seemed perfectly fine living life on the fast lane, I've always been one to relish a slower-paced life -- one in which I can contemplate, absorb, and relish the moment. When it comes to reading, writing, and learning, I immerse myself in those subjects about which I am most passionate, including psychology and human behavior. If I feel as though I'm being rushed to absorb the material, I can become rather irascible. I realize that the world as we know it today does not exactly cater to people who favor a slower pace. Blue- and white-collar workers feel more pressed than ever to meet stringent deadlines. With all the responsib...